I think that there are many of us who go through life realizing that we have many flaws. We wonder how we can make changes in our lives but we’re not sure where to begin.

My oldest son has invested his money by buying a house.  As we have looked over the place we have seen all the flaws that need to be dealt with.  There was a couple of windows that had broken glass, dirt and stains on walls, carpet, and cabinets, there were nails everywhere that needed removing and holes to fill, along with many other repairs here and there.  It can seem overwhelming at first.

We started with evaluation.  We made a list and then we have been going through things one at a time.  If you keep your eyes focused on the whole picture it gets overwhelming but as you take a step at a time you accomplish more and you don’t feel as stressed out and worried.  And it actually feels possible.  As long as we are moving we are accomplishing the work and that is what matters.

It is the same with the Christian walk.  We need to see the big picture, which is to be ready when Jesus comes through the clouds.  We need to see what “repairs” need to be done in our lives so that we are ready.  But we also need to make sure we are keeping our focus in the correct place.

I remember when I first started driving; I had the tendency to keep my eyes on the road right in front of the car.  But my dad told me that I needed to look straight ahead.  It did not make sense to me but when I did it I found that I could actually drive straighter and stay to my side of the road better.

The same is true in our Christian walk.  If we just look at what is right before us, we will start swerving over the road, and may even go off the road all together.  But if we keep our focus on Jesus, straight ahead, we will be able to keep on the straight and narrow.

As we stay focused on Jesus, through study, memorization, and prayer, we will see our flaws.  But as we give those flaws to Jesus, He will do the repairing, as we continue to surrender to Him.  This remodel job will continue until Jesus comes. And what is so great is that we are not on our own to do the work. As we cooperate with Him, He does the repairs.

Dear Father,

Thank You for the repairing that You do in our lives, as we continue to surrender to You.  Thank You that no matter how damaged we are, You love us and will recreate us.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender all to Jesus today and let Him repair and clean you up.

Love you all.

I know that I have been thankful to God for the repairs that He has done in my life.  How about You?  Have you felt the forgiveness and repairs from God?   Write yes below or share your experience.


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