“She’s Gone!!”


As humans, we tend to get so involved with our lives and what is going on around us that we take it for granted.  We leave for work or school each day just planning to come home to our family.  We don’t expect or even think about coming home and someone is missing.  I am not meaning that we should live in fear but I do think we need to take every day more seriously.  Every day we need to be grateful.

There is a family that lost their daughter recently.  They have been fighting for her life for several months.  I am sure their lives were going on as normal every day.  They may have even taken life for granted, I don’t know.  But then one day they woke up and life changed.  Suddenly house, money, work, etc., no longer meant very much to them.  All they wanted to do is save their daughter’s life.  They spent all their money and time finding ways to save her life because she meant more than anything else.

Now she is….

It is true that they made all this effort and now she is gone.  But they do not need to have regrets because they did all they could.  They sacrificed so much but it was so worth every effort.  They may feel regrets, which are only natural, but for all of us looking on we can see differently.

The pain they feel now is not explainable.  The emptiness will be difficult and the ache so real.  They need to be surrounded by love because even though the battle is over for their daughter it is not over for them.  There will be many days of sadness.

I never met this girl personally.  But through watching Facebook post I could see she loved the Lord.  She had Jesus in her heart.  She had the most important thing that anyone can have, faith and trust in her Saviour.  This is something that every Christian parent prays to see in his or her children.


As Christians, there is a hope that we have.  The pain is still enormous!  The emptiness remains real!  But I cannot imagine what it would have been like when I lost my daughter if I had not had hope.  Here are some verses that became a real promise for me.

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.  

For this, we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-16

There are several songs that have blessed my heart over the years.  But there is one that sticks out.  It is a very powerful song and every time I sing it the chills it brings to me is amazing.  We have hope!

“We have this hope that burns within our heart,

Hope in the coming of the Lord.

We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,

Faith in the promise of His Word.

We believe the time is here,

When the nations far and near

Shall awake, and shout and sing

Hallelujah Christ is King!

We have this hope that burns within our hearts,

Hope in the coming of the Lord.”

—Wayne Hooper—

I believe the coming of the Lord is sooner than most of us realize.  The things of this world are falling apart rapidly.  The time is near and I am looking forward to being reunited with those I love, especially my daughter.

Time is…

Life can change in a moment and time is precious.  We tend to take time, life, people, etc., for granted.  Just remember we never know when we wake up what could happen that could change our lives forever. Keep your family and friends close.  Don’t take any time or people for granted.  You never know when today may be your last and you are leaving behind those you love.   Just love, love, love all around you.  Yes, it is more painful when they are gone but then you can live with no regrets.  You know that you loved them and showed it daily.

Giving all

This family that lost their daughter has given all to save her life.  And it has been worth every moment they have had with her.  They loved her so much that the temporal things of this earth meant nothing.  How much do you love those around you?  There is more than one way to lose a loved one.  Remember the things of this earth are not as important as those we love.

It also makes me think and ask the question how much do I love Jesus.  I should love Him more than anyone or anything.  What am I willing to give up for Him?  He should be more important than anything in life.  He is the One that brings true happiness even in the midst of the worst circumstances.  Give all to Him today and cling to His promises as you go through each day.  Just like these parents were willing to give all to save their daughter’s life we should be willing to give all to save our lives.  So that we can be with Jesus, the One who gave all that we may live for eternity.

Dear Father,

I pray for comfort for the family who lost their daughter.  You are the only One that can bring real comfort.  There may be others that read this that may be suffering, bring comfort to them also.  May all of us cling to the promises that You have in Your Word.  We long for the day when You shall wipe away all tears from our eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4.  Lord, we long for this quickly but we trust You with the timing.  I know You long to have as many as possible come to You.  Thank You for Your unfailing love.

In Jesus Name,


Draw close to the One that gave all for you so that you can live eternally.  Also, stay close to those you love.  You never know when it will be the last day of either one of you.

Love you all!

From your life experiences, what encouragement can you give this family who is suffering from their loss?  Please write below.

Note to my readers:  Even though their daughter is gone the money they have put out has been overwhelming.  If you can at all possible help them financially pay these medical expenses please donate at this link. Help this family



Have you ever been shocked?  I am not talking about the shock you might receive after walking across the carpet and then touching something.  I am talking about something that has happened that was unexpected.  It is news that you never thought would come and you’re so unprepared.

This happened to me at the beginning of the week.  I arrived at work on a Monday morning.  When I walked into the shop foreman told me to come to the lunchroom where everyone was gathered.  This is the place where we meet for a meeting.  My thought was I wonder what job went wrong.  When I arrived I was given a seat.  Then the news came, one of our coworkers had passed away over the weekend.  Shock ran through my body.  At that point, everything shuts down.  You can’t imagine, think, or even comprehend.

We thought…

He has been sick a couple of different times in the last few months.  We thought he had the flu or a cold.  But because it seemed to hang around some of us encouraged him to go to the doctor, which as far as we know he never did.  Last week was no exception.  On Friday he was doing so poorly he sat in his chair a lot and would roll to where he needed to go and only stand up and walk when necessary.  Other people were secured to help him with some of his work.  All of us were using hand sanitizer because we did not want to get sick.  Little did we know that what he had going on was not contagious.

As each of us worked on Monday it was hard to stay focused.  You just think that you must be in a dream and that you are going to wake up.  My coworker was always there early.  If I got to work and I didn’t see his car I figured something must be wrong.  And that is exactly what I thought on Monday.  I was thinking that maybe he finally stayed home to get well.  But I never dreamed of the reality.

It was sudden…

He was so young, only 55.  It was sudden for us but it wasn’t really sudden.  He was someone who did not take care of his health.  He did things in his life that contributed to these results.  I lost my grandma at 56 for some of the same reasons.  If you feel there is something not right in your body you should get it checked out.

But even if we do take care of our health we never know when it will be our last day.  We live in a sin-sick world and things can happen to the best of us.  Our bodies are so intricate we can’t know all that is going on.  And we could also walk out the door, get in our car, and never arrive to work because of a car accident that takes our lives.  Life is fragile and we should not take it for granted.  We just go on in life thinking that it is going to last forever.  Don’t get me wrong we don’t say it but that is how we live.

What would you change?

If you knew you were dying tomorrow or even today what would you change, anything?  What would you do differently?  How would you spend your time?  We waste so much time each day with things that are not important.  We think they are but when you look at it in the face of death the importance fades away.

You suddenly start to realize that your spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. are more important than things.  When was the last time you spent quality time with a person that you love?  What were the last words you said to them when you saw them last?  You just expect that you are going to see them tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year.  But you may not.


So you may be wondering if I am trying to create a fear in you.  And I would say yes and no.  We need to have enough fear that it makes us think.  But we don’t have to live a life of fear just a life where we are intentional about the most important things in life.  Suddenly time has more meaning when you lose someone unexpectedly.

I have had my share of losses in less than a year.  And do I have a little fear in my heart about what might be next?  Yes, I do.  But in this sin-sick world, we can’t get away from death.  It is what we do with the knowledge of death that makes the difference.

What makes us fear the future is when we forget how God has been with us in the past.  I can look back and see God’s presence through every difficulty.  And I know He will help me through all the sorrow and pain ahead because He is faithful.  He has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us.  And I not only have the promise I have the history behind it.  I can think back and see how He has been there for me.

After loss…

After loss comes it makes you think.  What am I going to change?  I am reevaluating my life.  When my time comes I don’t want anything to be between me and my relationship with God.  The things of this world are not worth it.  I want to have a solid connection with God each day, each moment.  I want to be ready when life is over for me.  And because I don’t know when that is I need to stay connected.

When I go to bed at night I want my last thoughts to be connected to God through prayer or Scripture.  I want my thoughts to turn to Him when I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.  When morning comes I want my first thoughts to be surrounded around Him.  And throughout the day I want my thoughts to keep turning to Him through all the trials and temptations.  So that if I go to bed at night and I don’t wake up again I will be ready.  Or if I leave home never to come back again I want to be ready.  I want to be ready when Jesus allows this day to be my last.

Dear Father,

It overwhelms my soul to think about what You have done for me.  Please forgive me for taking advantage of Your love and care without much thought.  I breathe and am alive today because You sustain me.  And I have been so ungrateful, I am not my own I belong to You.  I am asking You to take my heart for I cannot give it.  It is Your property.  Keep it pure, for I cannot keep it for You.  Save me in spite of my weak, unchristlike self.  Mold me fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere, where the rich current of Your love can flow through my soul.  Surround me with Your presence and make me wholly Yours.

Lord, I pray that Your melting love will warm and soften my icebound nature.  And I pray that the mighty energies of Your Holy Spirit with all their quickening, recuperative, and transforming power, will fall like an electric shock on my palsy-stricken soul, causing every nerve to thrill with new life. Restore me from my dead, earthly, sensual state to spiritual soundness.

Thank You for Your power and what You are going to accomplish in my life.

In Jesus Name,


Stay connected with God as if your life depended on it because it does.

Love you all.

Have you had something that has happened and been shocking to you?  What was it and what did you learn through the experience?  Please share below.