It seems projects can be so overwhelming most of the time.  We know it is a project that needs to get done but it just seems too overwhelming to even get started.  And when we do get started it seems things don’t go how we have planned.  It often takes longer than we intended, as well.  Have you ever felt this way?

I experience this on a regular basis.  My most recent one is preparing my son’s house, he just bought, for renting out.  Every day we go to do what needs to be done but it seems that we don’t accomplish what we really wanted to get done that day.

Here are a few tips that I have learned over time that has been helpful to me.

  1. Keeping a right attitude is key.  No matter what we are trying to accomplish in life if we go into it with a negative attitude we won’t get very far.  Even if we go in with a good attitude and things don’t go how we want and we have a bad attitude, it destroys our day.  It is amazing how our attitudes can change a situation.  We need to continue to be grateful no matter how things turn out.  What I have found is the attitude I tend to have; I actually fulfill what I really don’t want to have happen.  Our minds are a very powerful tool.  Stay positive.
  2. Set goals for the project.  Before you actually start a project lay out a plan.  Then at the start of each day, that you have dedicated to this project, layout what you are going to do that day.  If at the end of the day you didn’t finish everything on the list, that’s okay.  When your making the list over achieve but at the end of the day be grateful for what you have accomplished.  This leads to the next step.
  3. Give your day to the Lord.  So many times we can head into our day with our own agenda.  But God has a different agenda for us.  So as we make our list for the day we need to always be ready for God’s leading.
  4. At the end of the day, be grateful for what you have accomplished.  If we are giving our day to God, we have made our list, then at the end of the day, we should be grateful for what we have accomplished.  This will keep our attitudes where they should be.  A lot of times it can be hard to be grateful.  But it is a habit that we need to cultivate.   Here is a routine that I have started each day to help me stay focused and grateful.
  5. In the morning, I write down 3 things that I am grateful for.  Remember it does not have to be big things.  We need to be grateful about all things.  As I started to do this it was hard at first but it gets easier.  We take so much for granted.  Just the fact that our heart is still beating is amazing.
  6. Also, in the morning, I write down 3 things that I will do to make the day great.  This could be projects you want to accomplish, habits you want to change, or even attitudes you want to change.  Whatever it is that you think would make the day great.
  7. In the evening, I write down 3 things that made the day great.  Now these three things can be different from what I thought would make the day great.  When we give our day to God, He can do amazing things.
  8. Lastly, in the evening, I write down what I could have done to make the day even better.  This could just be, having a better attitude.

I have found these things to help me to keep my prospective where it should be.  It is also great to be able to look back and see what God has done.

Dear Father,

Thank You so much that You are there for us.  You will make our day great, if we give it to you.  You have told us in Your Word that we need to live our lives with a thankful heart no matter what our circumstances.  We humility ask for Your help and guidance to do it.  Thank You that as we surrender to You, You do the work in our hearts.

In Jesus Name,


I challenge you today to take up the attitude of thankfulness.  It will change your life.

Have you had a time where you have chosen to be grateful through hard circumstances and God gave you victory?  What has having a grateful heart done for you?


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