The other morning I was in the kitchen doing some last-minute things before I took my shower. As I ran the water the pressure wasn’t very good. We had been having trouble with our kitchen faucet so I didn’t think much of it. But then my son came in and said, “What is wrong with the water?” As I checked another location I realized that there was a problem.

So now instead of getting my shower I needed to turn to the problem at hand, lack of water flow. My daughter and I started with going out and digging through snow to get to our holding tanks to see if there was a problem in the tank, that was “fun”. When we finally got the lid off we discovered that everything was in proper working order.

I then headed to our basement where our pump is. I had already checked it earlier and could tell that the pump was not coming on even though the pressure was down so I knew that there had to be a lack of water. There is a switch so that you can force it on. So I held the switch on for about a minute and then it stayed on by itself. After that it worked fine. The best I could tell is there had been a little crud that had come through and probably got in the little valve and kept it from properly moving open and shut how it should. But with a little persuasion it finally started working again. I was finally able to take my shower. Water is such a blessing.

Have you ever felt that the “Water” in your Christian walk has slowed down? Your spiritual walk just doesn’t seem the same? You know something is wrong because your spiritual life is slowing down; it isn’t flowing like it once did.

You may know that you need a cleansing but the “water” is so slow that you can’t take a “shower”. You may or may not know what is “clogging” the flow but you can’t seem to do anything about it. The fact is you cannot clean yourself up.

The first thing to do is to get back connect with God. Spend time with Him in study and prayer. If you know what has “clogged” your way ask the Lord to forgive you and help you to conquer that area of your life. If you aren’t sure go to Him and with His help examine your life to see what has gotten in the way of your relationship with Him. It could even be good things. Maybe you just need to prioritize your life so that He is first.

You may be thinking, “I want something different but I just don’t really feel like doing it. It takes work.” It does take effort. Just like I had to manually hold the switch so the pump would keep running until that cleansing of the valve was done, sometimes it takes a real conscious effort to stay connected with God. But as you make a commitment to spend that time each day with Him and to meditate on His Word throughout the day it will start to become a habit in your life that will be just as automatic as the switch on the pump.

Dear Father,

Help us to remember how important the time spent with You is so that the Water of Life continues to flow through our lives, cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Thank You for Your love and patience with us and for never giving up on us. Thank You for the freedom to choose You, showing through this freedom how much You really love us.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to stay connected with Jesus, letting the Water flow through you for cleansing. If you have strayed remember that He is there waiting and willing to cleanse you from all unrighteousness as you come to Him with repentance. Just like it was such a blessing for me to be able to take a shower when the water was flowing, you will find, as you allow the Lord to flow through you with His cleansing love the feeling of cleanliness is a blessing.

Love you all.

How about you? Have you experienced the cleansing power of God? Share your experience below. Our testimonies are the best way to encourage others in the way.

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