Yesterday my daughter and I were doing her Science together. We were reading about different people who would not just accept what others had said but they would experiment to see if what was said was true or not. There were many people, at one point in history that believed that germs were produced by disease. Many people died through history just due to this misunderstanding about germs and disease. To say that diseases produces germs would be saying that nonliving things could produce living things. We know today that germs produce disease.

Another thing that was always thought is that decayed meat produced maggots but it was discovered that if a piece of meat was concealed in a container it did not produce maggots. It is actually flies that come and land on the meat and lay their eggs and then maggots are born.

This may seem like a rather gross subject but it made me get to thinking about the Christian and how our surroundings have everything to do with our Christian walk.

You may think that what you allow around you does not affect you in any way. But the opposite is true. Just like disease does not cause germs, the disease of sin does not cause the germs of bad influences. It is the germs of your surroundings that can cause the disease of sin.

You also may think that the maggots of sin are just a part of you coming from the inside and there is nothing you can do. You can’t help the way you are, it is the decay of sin and you have no control over it. Wrong, it is the flies of evil that want to lay their eggs of influence on you. You think there is no harm going to happen but the eggs start to hatch into maggots and pretty soon things are out of control.

You may have been through many things in your life but you always have the freedom to choose. Just like it is very important to keep your environment as germ free as possible by keeping things clean, keeping your body clean on the inside through proper, healthy eating, drinking good clean water, etc., you also need to keep your spiritual environment clean.

As a Christian you need to have a Christ-centered environment surrounding you and that is a choice. When you keep the environment clean from the germs of sin you will be more successful at keeping the disease of sin from your life. Will you still fail at times? Yes you will. But praise God you have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ that will forgive and cleanse you when we fail.  When you come to Him He will forgive you and you can start afresh again.

Just like the maggots don’t come out of the decaying meat, even though you have a “decaying” sinful nature the maggots don’t come without your consent. You make the choice.   You can surround yourself with Godly things; fill your mind with God’s Word, spend much time in prayer and the devils “flies” will be unable to attach themselves to you and lay their eggs that hatch into the maggots of sin.

Dear Father,

Living in this world of sin each one of us is susceptible to the flies and maggots of sin. We know that without You we are unprotected. Thank You that You will be there for us and surrounds us with Your protection,  as we allow You to do so. Continue to guide us through this journey. Thank You for Your patience and love.

In Jesus Name,


Let’s surround ourselves with Godly things and keep God’s Word and prayer surrounding us to protect us from the flies, maggots, and germs of this world to keep the disease of sin out of our lives so that we can live for eternity with the One that has paid so much for us.

Love you all.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments as you reflect on the thoughts I have shared.

One Reply to ““MAGGOTS ANYONE?””

  1. Thank you for this reminder of the importance of the influences we allow into our lives. It is such a challenge to limit those exposures with the opportunities of the media in our daily lives. I continue to pray that the Lord will help our family fight off the flies so that the maggots of sin do not develop.

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