Have you ever had a leg cramp at night?  You’re in a deep sleep and suddenly this major pain awakens you.  You can feel your foot in strange contortions.  And the pain is excruciating.  I had this happen the other night.  I was having a cramp in my foot and up the calf of my leg.  No matter what I did I could not seem to get it to release.  I stood up and it seemed to calm but as soon as I would lift my foot, even to walk, it was right back at it.  I finally grabbed my lemongrass essential oil put a few drops in lotion and rubbed it all over my leg and foot.  Within seconds it had calmed and I was able to go back to bed.

How are you feeling right now?  Are you having some circumstances in life that seem even more painful than a leg cramp?  You would actually love to have a leg cramp in comparison.  You just want the pain to go away but everything you try to do doesn’t seem to help.

There is an “oil” that you can go to for healing, God’s Word.  There are promises that you can claim.  Fill your mind with the promises by memorizing Scripture.  And as you memorize the Scripture it is like spreading it over your whole life.  It may not take the circumstances away but it can lessen the pain.  Being able to put all things in the hands of God, trusting His Word, is an amazing relief.

Reach out to a friend who can pray with you, encourage you, and just be there for you as a listener.

The biggest “cramp” in my life was when I lost my daughter, the dream of my life.  I know that God sustained me through it but He also gave me friends that were a help.  They listened to me, let me grieve with them, loved me, and encouraged me.  That is what a true friend will do.

Words of advice to all of us, if you have a friend that is going through some really difficult times, reach out to them.  They will not always reach out to you for what they need, I didn’t.  I am not sure why I would not reach out but the fact still remains, I would not.  We need to be there for one another.

Dear Father,

You know the pain that each of us has experienced, is experiencing, and will experience.  Thank You that You are there for us in every circumstance.  It doesn’t always feel as if You are there.  Help us to cling to the promise that You have made, that You will never leave us or forsake us.  Thank You for Your never-failing love.

In Jesus Name,


God has promised to wash and heal us through His Word.  Cling to those promises today.  Do you need encouragement?  Reach out to someone today.  It can be a friend, counselor, or pastor.

Love you all.

What “cramp” in life has God brought you through?  What did He use to help you?  Share I would love to hear your testimony.  Are you struggling right now?  Share so we can be praying for you and encourage you.




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