“Have You Been Bitten?”

I don’t think there are too many people who really enjoy snakes.  There are those rare breeds that just love snakes but I think they are far and few between.  There are snakes that are not harmful but I don’t really enjoy any of them.  There are snakes that are more dangerous in different parts of the world; I want to keep my distance.  If you get bit by one that is very poisonous you better have a small unit that is used to give an electrical charge to the affected area, neutralizing the snake’s venom, otherwise you will probably die.  You have to have help right away and if you are out in the jungle you will never make it to medical help.

It makes me think of our tongues.  They can be a poison.  In James 3:8 it reads, “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”  When we say bitter words to someone the effect is the same as that of a poisonous snakebite.  Our venomous words will do their deadly work to the emotions of others.  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Proverbs 18:21.  We can destroy people with our words.  We need to be so connected with Jesus that we will be reflecting His character of love.

Some of us are the ones that have been on the receiving end of bitter words, whether it has been through our parents, a supposed friend, a spouse, children, or an enemy.  It will be more painful coming from those we thought loved us but it is all a poison and it can destroy our lives, if we allow it.  The truth is that we don’t have to allow the venom to destroy us, to kill our emotions.  But we have to neutralize the venom.  Jesus says in Matthew 5:44, “…Love you enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”  Our automatic response is to curse them.  I heard this saying that I believe is so profound, “Cursing our enemies is like drinking poison and waiting for our enemies to die!”  We are killing ourselves.  We have to have a neutralizer.  And the verse gives us the answer.  We need to love, bless and pray for them.  Are these easy to do?  No! But with the help of God we can do these things.  It is through the power of His word that can neutralize the poison.  And we need to understand and realize that we are worth the death of Jesus to God and what others think and say is not as important as what God thinks and says about us.

Dear Father,

Forgive us for our poisonous words.  Draw us close to Your heart.  It is only through our close connection with You that we can be what You would have us to be to others, whether it is never saying a poisonous word or being able to bless those who bite us with a venomous bite.  We cannot do or overcome anything without You.  We need You.  Thank You that You are always there as we call out to You.

In Jesus Name,


Always treat others, as you would want to be treated.  Don’t speak words that are like venom.  And if you have received venom words neutralize the poison with the promises of God and love, bless, and pray for your enemies.  Remember none of this can be done without the power of God in our lives, so draw close to Him.

Love you all!

Have you given venomous words to someone?  How did the Lord help you in correcting it?

Have you received a venomous bit?  What have you found to be the most effective way to neutralize the poison?



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