There seems to be a trend in our society.  If you are follow the crowd, you fit in just nicely.  But if you choose not to go along with the crowd you are an outsider and considered strange.

The other day we came home and found that one of our little dogs had gotten out of the fence and wallowed in some manure.  I don’t know what he smelt like to himself but to us he stank.  If he were together with his buddies, that have all enjoyed the wallowing pit, he would have fit right in but to those of us that were not in his pit it stank terribly.

It reminded me of someone who is wallowing in the pit of sin.  They are fitting right in with the world and no one seems to notice that they stink because they are all following the crowd of society.  If there is someone who is not choosing to wallow in the pit of sin, they are looked at as strange.  This can be difficult, especially for young people, but, then again, us older people can be really drawn in as well, we just may be a little more subtle about it.

There are a lot of people who are wallowing in the pit of sin but they are still going to church.  They have a drawing to do what is right but they are having a hard time getting out of the pit.  It feels so comfortable to fit in with the majority.  They have a drawing for the truth but when they go to church they feel out-of-place.  They don’t even fit into the conversations.  They want to talk about the latest trends, movies, music, or whatever the world has to offer for them.  They don’t even really realize that they “smell” so they don’t know why people shy away from them, or try to avoid them.  Eventually they may even stop coming because they feel like they don’t fit in, so they go back to the friends and ways that they feel comfortable with.

As I look at it, there is only two reasons why we would shun these people.  One, we secretly are not any different, we have just become a good hypocrite, so we fit in with both crowds.  Or, second, we have not truly fallen in love with Christ.  Christ was drawn to those that were wallowing in the pit of sin.  His heart went out to them in love.  They were drawn to Him and wanted to be in His presence, even though they had gone so far that they were possessed with the devil.

We need to be so representing Christ in our lives, that those wallowing in the pit of sin will be drawn to us.  When they have been with us, they will feel as if they have been with Jesus.  And when they leave they will start to feel uncomfortable wallowing in the pit of sin.  They will look forward to being with us because they feel a love and a peace which passeth all understanding.

I want to speak to the one that knows that he/she is wallowing in the pit of sin.  You know that it is wrong but you can’t seem to break out of the mold.  You want to fit in with your friends.  It is a choice that you have to make and no one can make it for you.  But God can give you the strength.  Spend time reading God’s Word and start to memorize the promises of God.  Prayer is a much need component.  Pray and let God know exactly how you feel.  Ask Him to lead you to new friends and He will.  If you have connected with “Christians” that have not been a friend to you and have shunned you don’t give up, keep looking.  Be honest with the ones that do show love and compassion.  Let them know that you are struggling and need their prayers.  You don’t need to open up your whole life as an open book if you don’t want, but just ask them to pray for you.  And above all things remember God loves you with an unconditional love.

Dear Father,

Help those of us that claim to be Christian to be more like You.  Help us to realize our need of You.  We are not any better than anyone else without You.  We are all in this world together struggling with sin.

I also pray for those that are struggling in the pit of sin.  Draw their hearts to You.  Help them to feel Your love.  Surround them with Your protection from the “manure’ of this world.

Thank You so much for the love that You have for each one of us.

In Jesus Name,


Remember the answer for all of us, whether we are Christians, claiming to be a Christians but really being a hypocrite, or wallowing in the pit of sin, God loves you.  He wants to have a connection with you and lead you to better paths.

As Christians we need to ask God for His love to spread to the world so that all may know the love and peace of God and we can all go to heaven to be with Him.

Love you all.

Have you experienced wallowing in the pit of sin?  How did God help you out?


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