Sunlight and exercise is an important ingredient to having a healthy body.  Imagine someone who is closed in a very dark room and never let out in the light of day.  It would have such a negative effect on your mental health for sure. It also would lower your V-D levels so that your body could not absorb calcium, which weakens your bones.  We need sun and darkness for our sleep cycles to work properly so we can even function.  We would also get to looking so pale, of course, in the dark who would know.

Then if you add in with that no exercise we would be a real mess.  Our muscles would get weak.  There are muscles that help hold our body together and if they were weak it would be difficult to even lift things without pulling something out to socket.  I am telling you we would be a real mess.

There have been those that have been in concentrations camps that have gone through some of these things.  Even if they were brought out for one hour a week it is not enough to keep their health up.  They get so weak they can hardly function.  It is a long journey for them to even get their health back.  Sunlight and exercise are so important.

If we are going to stay spiritually healthy we need light and exercise as well.  Just like we need physical exercise and sunlight every day to keep physically healthy, we also need to have time with God in His Word.  We need to take in the light of God’s Word and we need to exercise by memorizing and sharing with others.  This is what helps keep our spiritual life healthy.

Going to church once a week for an hour does not do it.  It is just enough light to makes us not fit with the world or with a true believer.

How would your marriage survive if you only spent one hour each week together?  Or if you are single, would you be able to maintain friendships if you never spent time with them?

In order to build a relationship with God and to have a healthy spiritual life, we need to spend time each day with Him.  I know that there are those who just feel like they don’t have time.  But I am telling you, by experience, it is worth taking the time.

I told the Lord, “When you wake me up I will get up and spend time with You.”  He has been very faithful in waking me.  And He gives me the strength to make it through the day with less sleep, as long as I am faithful to go to bed when I should.

I have also discovered that if He wakes me and I decide to lay there a little longer, I fall back to sleep.  When I do get up my day does not go as well and I actually feel more tired.  How does that work? It is the power of God to bless obedience.

Dear Father,

Thank You for Your love and for Your desire to spend time with wretched sinners.  You want to have fellowship with us and to transform us.  Continue to prompt us to spend time with You.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to spend time in the Light and exercise both physically and spiritually.

Love you all.

What special things do you do to continue to build your relationship with God?


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