“I Am Glad You Have…?”


I don’t know anyone that likes to be sick.  Now there are those that may pretend to be sick to get off work or school.  But if they are truly sick they are definitely not excited!

Recently, my daughter got sick.  And not only was it not exciting for her I was not too happy about it either.  Now is not the time to get sick with anything because of the pandemic that is taking place right now.  It causes your life to turn upside down.  Life changes and there is nothing you can do about it.

I had to call my work and let them know what was happening.   Naturally, they wanted me and my son, who also works there, to stay home.  “Until we know what she has we can’t allow you to be here and possibly put the rest of us at risk.”

And what did they do?  They scoured the place, Lysol, alcohol, sanitizing wipes, you name it they did it.  Because there is a fear of getting the deadly sickness that can change your life.  There are a lot of sicknesses that can be contagious and it can be good to take precautions so that you don’t get sick.   The biggest one is to keep your immune system strong.

Now one thing I want to be clear about here before I go on.  I am not writing this to take any side about what is true or not true about what is going on in our world today.  But what I want to do is derive a lesson that we can learn.  And in order to derive that lesson we are going to assume in this writing that what is being said is true, this sickness is deadly and you don’t want to get it.  I am not saying I necessarily believe that I am trying to show a spiritual lesson that we can derive from anything that comes into life.  And there are many!

What do I do now?

After calling my work and being band I wanted answers.  I was not going to sit around for 14 days to see what the outcome was I wanted to be proactive on getting this resolved so I could go back to work.

My next step was to call our family physician!  I told them, “My daughter has a fever and a really bad sore throat.  I need to figure out what the problem is so I can go back to work.”  I was informed that a nurse would need to call me back and ask some questions because they were not allowing anyone in the office with certain symptoms.  If she had certain symptoms I would have to take her somewhere else to be tested.

I waited for several hours for a callback but it finally came.  The questions were simple and because I could say no to all three they made an appointment for me to bring her into the doctor’s office.  We were grateful when she was diagnosed with something that you would normally not rejoice over.  But with what is happening in our world today what she was diagnosed with was better than the alternative.

It made me think

Then I got to thinking about sin in the life.  We often look at sin as if there are different categories.  We may think the sin of gossip is not as bad as murder so we are grateful that we may only have the gossip issue.  There are so many other examples that I could give but I think you get the idea.  But in God’s eyes, all sin is the same.  The sins that we think as “little” can be more dangerous to our spiritual life.  It can eat away at our spiritual life little by little without detection.

A disease of the body is like a sin to the spiritual life.  No matter what disease or sickness you have it takes you down physically.  The same is true with sin.  No matter what the sin is it has an effect on our spiritual life.  And just like some physical illnesses are contagious sin is contagious.  That is why it is so important to keep our immune systems strong and keep things out of our lives that lower our immune systems.

Now what?

What is the answer to our dilemma, whether it be physical or spiritual? The answer is really the same.  You need to build your immune system and do things that will support your immune system, whether physical or spiritual.

I am not here to talk about the physical or spiritual immune boosting ideas in-depth but I want to give a snippet to what is coming.  What about our physical and spiritual immune systems?  What can we do to help keep ourselves physically and spiritually well? I have an acronym that I have created to help us look at what things we can do to keep our immune systems strong, whether it is physically or spiritually.  We have to have a B A L A N C E D life in both of these areas.

Physical                                            Spiritual

Bed Time                                        Be open to the Holy Spirit

Aqua                                                 Acknowledge that you’re a sinner

Light                                                 Lament for your sins

Air                                                      Allow God to work in your life

Nutrition                                         Nourish yourself with God’s Word

Control                                           Commune with God

Exercise                                         Exercise faith in God

Dependence on God               Draw strength from God

God has no fear

When it comes to our physical or spiritual lives God has no fear of us coming to Him.  We don’t have to call up the Great Physician and ask if it is okay to come to Him.  He has no fear of “catching” what we have. We can come to Him at any time and He will be there for us.  There is nothing that is beyond His knowledge or control.  What a blessing!  He can take care of any disease, whether it is of a physical nature or a spiritual one.

God does not always promise to heal us physically but He does promise to heal us spiritually.  Spiritual healing is the most important.  If we die physically we have a great hope of the resurrection but if we die spiritually we have lost that hope.  I want to be healed spiritually!  How about you?

Dear Father,

Praise Your name that You are the great healer and You can heal us both physically and spiritually.  I am so grateful that I can trust You with my life.  And I am grateful that nothing comes into my life unless You allow it and it is for my good.  Thank You for Your unfailing love.

In Jesus Name,


Keep your spiritual immune system in tacked by connecting with God each day.

Love you all!

What do you do to help keep your spiritual immunity up?  Share below.


“Do You Know What I Just Heard?”


“The President just said this…”. “Did you hear what Senator _______did?”  Oh yeah, and we can’t forget about the shooting in Texas, the Pastor that said this, the church that has split over that, or the Congresswoman who said…. I could go on and on and on.  I think you all know what I am talking about.  All the things that are happening every day worldwide are astounding and I hardly hear anything because I do not listen to the news or commentaries that talk about the news.

But you may be saying, “You need to keep up with what is happening because we need to be prepared for the crisis that is coming.”  Am I going to be prepared for the crisis if I am focusing on them?  How do I prepare for the crisis ahead?  What does it look like?  And does it matter if I know?


To me, the only way that we are going to be ready for any crisis is to be focused on the important things.  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” Philippians 4:8.  To me, this verse says it all and should be our criteria for everything that we listen to, watch, read, or think about.  I want to break it down a little and talk about each phrase in the verse.  I am not perfect at accomplishing this verse in my own life but I am striving for it.

“…Whatsoever things are true…”

So where do you get your information is it the news, a talk show guy, a friend, church leader, etc?  How do you know what you’re hearing is true?  I mean let’s face it; everything that probably comes to you has come through multiple people before it ever gets to you.  So how true is it when it does get to you?  And then there is the agenda that the person talking is trying to push so they are coming from their agenda’s perspective.

If you want to believe that there is no agenda and things passed down get accurately repeated then even if it is true does that mean we should be dwelling upon it?  Is dwelling upon these things going to get us prepared for heaven?  But what about…

“…Whatsoever things are honest…”

It seems that true and honest are the same thing.  There are similarities but there is also a difference.  This is where the agenda really falls into play.  Details are presented in such a way to deceive the people into believing that what is said is the truth.  You might call that propaganda.  You know if you tell a lie big enough and long enough eventually people believe it.  And as people believe it someone or something control them more.  And is what they are allowing to control them bringing them love, joy, peace, etc.

“…Whatsoever things are just…”

Is what we are filling our minds with upright (just)?  Is it approved and acceptable to God?  Do we have to dwell upon those things that are not just and right in order to know what is just and righteous?  We should be filling our minds with things that are innocent and holy. We should be doing those things that are innocent and holy.

Instead of focusing on the bad things that are happening in the world and within the Christian community and complaining about it, do Christ method.  It is His method alone that is going to win the hearts of the people.  And what is His method?  Keep reading.

“…Whatsoever things are pure…”

What does it even mean to be pure in our society today?  Everywhere you look purity has been thrown out the door.  I had someone say to me one day, and I don’t even know if he is a Christian, “Most of the TV programs and movies today are pornographic. I won’t even watch them.”

The fact is if what is on media today would have been shown in the ‘40s society would have put their foot down.  But it has come so gradually that people don’t even think about it.  I don’t really know what is on today but you don’t have to watch it to see advertisements plastered everywhere.  And to me, if we are watching those things we are condoning them.  We are in the getaway car so to speak.  If we were in the getaway car at a robbery we would be held just as guilty as the person robbing the bank.

We can choose to be pure in what we allow into our minds.  The temptation is not a sin.  So when we see something that could be sinful it is not a sin unless we continue to look or dwell upon what we have seen.  I wish I could get young people today to understand this concept.  I seen something totally by accident when I was probably 10 and I still have that in my memory.  It comes in a lot quicker than it leaves.  It can be like a virus that destroys your life.  Guard yourselves as much as it is possible to do.  Dwell upon the things that are pure.

“…Whatsoever things are lovely…”

Oh, how pleasant it is to dwell upon the lovely things.  When I think about lovely it makes me think of nature, the birds, deer, trees, flowers, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, etc.  Also, the truths of God’s Word are lovely.  There are so many things within this world that are not lovely.

If every time you went to listen or watch something and you thought about whether it was lovely it would change the trend of what you do.  And I am not talking just about worldly things, like movies, news, and gossip, etc. I am also talking about religious things.  What are the Christians dwelling upon in their sermons, songs, gossip (yes, I mean gossip and it can be more poisonous than worldly gossip), etc.?  Is it lovely?  There may be things that happen in this world whether in the Christian community or the worldly community that is not worth dwelling upon or preaching about.  How do we deal with the crisis we are in today?  Christ method alone will reach the hearts of the people whether they are Christians or the ungodly.  And what is Christ’s method?  Keep reading.

“…Whatsoever things are of good report…”

Good report, something that is well-spoken and reputable, and something that is well thought of, highly regarded, well respected, respectable, and of good repute.

I like what it says in Psalms 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  Words usually start with our thoughts.  If our thoughts are going in a line that is unacceptable it will eventually come out via our words.

We think with horror of the cannibal who feasts on the still warm and trembling flesh of his victim.  But here is the question.  Is the ruin caused by misrepresenting motive, blackening reputation, dissecting character any better?  In God’s eyes, I would think not.  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” Proverbs 18:21.  Those whom God accounts worthy to be citizens with Him is he that “walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.  He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour” Psalms 15:2, 3.

We need to close our ears to things that are not of good report and also do not speak those things that are not of good report.  Christ method alone will reach the people of this world whether in or out of the church.

“…If there be any virtue…”

We need to have a virtuous course of thought, feeling, and action.  And we need to be full of moral excellence, as modesty, and purity.  We cannot be virtuous in our thoughts, feelings, and actions if we are filling our minds with things that are not virtuous.  We need to guard our ears and our eyes.  What we listen to or see with our eyes affects whether or not our thoughts, feelings, or actions are morally excellent.  This is not easy to do in our society today.  We may be made fun of because we won’t take part in certain things.

I remember being told, as people laughed, “You were born under a rock.”  And this was as an adult.  I then became more “worldly-wise” and believe me it did not help me in my spiritual growth.  Of course, I am still not as “worldly-wise” as a lot of people but way more than I wish.  I was way better off in my innocence.  If I could say anything to young people it would be, “It is really okay not to fit in.”  Once you have made unwise choices life will never be the same.  And remember what did it get our first parents, Adam and Eve, to be more worldly-wise, knowing good and evil?  It got us where we are today and it is not pleasant!

“…And if there be any praise…”

Are the things that we are allowing into our lives praiseworthy?  If we keep our minds and hearts stayed on Jesus it doesn’t mean there will not be bad things that come or happen in our lives or in the lives of those we love.  But through all these things we can still praise His name because “…We know that all things work together for good to them that one God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28.  God has chosen all of us but not all of us choose Him.

The bottom line is we can’t control everything that comes into our lives but we should control those things that we can control.  We need to make sure the things we can control are praiseworthy.  If they are not praised worthy we should eliminate them.

“…Think on these things…”

If we are thinking about “…Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” Philippians 4:8, our lives will be reflecting Christ.

I believe as we choose to only allow these things into our thoughts and hearts we will have a joy that will reflect out to others.  We will have a joy that is overflowing with the love of Christ in our hearts.  There are so many things that the devil wants to use to distract us.  But if we stay focused on the genuine, Jesus Christ, He will be able to mold us into His image.  And we will be able to reach those around us with Christ method.

What is Christ method?

If they are hungry we should feed them, thirsty give them a drink, be kind to strangers, clothe those that are naked.  When there are those who are sick we should visit them, we should be reaching out to those that are in prison.  When we do for those that are in need we are doing for Christ.  This is what will draw people to Christ.

When He went through a town those that were sick were healed, whether they were emotionally or physically sick.  Now we can’t heal like Jesus did but we can help encourage and direct them to things that can bring healing to the body, mind, and soul.  This is my passion!  I want to teach people natural ways to live healthier despite disease, live emotionally vibrant and spiritually uplifted in the midst of depressing circumstances.

Christ method was to teach in such a way as to not condemn but to uplift those that needed Him.  They felt His love and compassion for them.  Sometimes the emotional or spiritual healing is needed more than the actual physical issues people may be dealing with.  And God can show us what is most important in reaching each person as we stay in connection with Him.

Dear Father,

We live in a time where we are bombarded with so many distractions.  Draw close to us and prompt us to stay focused on what You would have us stay focused on so that we can live a happier more productive life for others.  And as we do this it will bring more satisfaction into our own lives as well be more pleasing in Your sight.  Help us not to look at negative things or be condemning but to focus on what You have told us should be our focus so that we can bring joy and happiness not only to ourselves but to others.

Thank You for Your Word that brings hope and courage.  Help us and guide us as we read and study Your Word.  As we continue to study help us to grow in grace and truth.

In Jesus Name,


As you reach out to others keep in mind Christ method.  Read the Gospels to discover more about how He taught.  Make sure to examine your life and take those things from your life that does not fulfill those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, or of good report; and fill your mind with those things that are virtuous, and praiseworthy.

Love you all!

What has been your experience when you stay your mind on what God has in mind for us?  Share your experience below in the comments.  I would love to hear it.


“Preparing for the Challenge”


We all have had something in life that we have had to prepare for that has been a challenge.  Maybe you had a test a school that you had to prepare for.  If you are athletic maybe you had to prepare for a race or sports event.  There are also things that you may have to prepare for at work, whether a report or solving some problem.  Every day no matter where we are and what we do we have challenges that we have to prepare for.

As I write my son is preparing for the biggest challenge of his life.  It is something that he has never done or faced before.  He is planning to hike a local mountain the same elevation of Mt. Everest from sea level to the top, which is 29,029 feet.  How can a person really prepare for such an event?  And why would someone do something so crazy?

It may seem crazy but for my son, it is remembering.  After losing a friend to suicide and then his uncle he wanted to do something to help raise awareness to mental health needs.  And to bring awareness to the fact that there are places available for people to go for help.  Depression and suicide are on the rise everywhere you turn.  And it happens to those that you least expect.  And with this challenge he wants you to help by donating to a local crisis center that helps people who are dealing with mental health issues that could lead to suicide.


How do you exactly prepare for such an event?  There is a lot of physical, mental, and emotional preparation.  You have to be eating healthy.  And figure out how to sustain your body through the physical push that you put your body through to do such an event.

My son has been physically training every chance that he gets, hiking, running, climbing, etc.  And making a list of those things that he should be eating or drinking during that time.  He needs to have things that are high calorie but also healthy.  You can get high-calorie items that are so unhealthy that it defeats the purpose.  Many do it but in the long run, what it does to their health brings disaster later.

Another challenge

There is another kind of challenge that came to my mind as we were preparing for this physical challenge.  This challenge is of a spiritual nature.  The Christian walk is a challenge.  When a person decides to become a Christian there are things you need to do to be able to meet the challenges.  And to accomplish the goal, heaven.  Just like we had to know the best food for my son to eat to keep his strength up to endure, we need to keep ourselves fed spiritually.  We need strength each day to endure the testing and trials that may come our way.    We need fuel to keep up our strength.  And it needs to be the right kind of fuel.


When you are doing something that is challenging physically fueling with the correct things can help you endure and come out successful.  But if you don’t it can be disastrous.  The same is true of our Christian walk.  Our refueling needs to be something that truly strengthens us in our spiritual walk.  Reading God’s Word and prayer are the key components.  There may be other things that we think could be good to strengthen us but in the long run, it is destroying.  Just like in the physical world you need to be intentional about what you use for fuel so in the spiritual.

Dear Father,

It can be so easy to get distracted and start fueling with things that are detrimental.  Keep prompting our hearts to stay connected with You through Your Word and prayer.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to keep refueling!  And make sure it is of a nature that will strengthen you spiritually and not drag you down.

Love you all.

What challenges have you had spiritually or physically?  What did you do to refuel?


“Reduce Your Bodies Toxic Load” Part 9


The fact is we are bombarded each day with so many things that are toxic to our bodies.  Even if we are eating the best foods, clean of all the chemicals and pesticides, there are more chemicals that we are bombarded with each day other than just in our foods.

There are so many toxins that we can’t even control.  Every time we walk out our door and breathe the air we are being filled with toxins.  We even get it in our homes, from furniture too, carpeting, cleaners, clothes, and just the structure of our homes.  It is like how can we get away from it.  The reality is we cannot get away from it all but we can control as much as possible to give our bodies less to fight off.

What can I do?

I cannot exhaust everything that can make the difference in this writing but I am going to share what I can.  In part 5 I talked to you about the importance of breathing and how important it is to our health.  Even though we can’t get away from all the toxins in the air there are areas that are less toxic.  If you have the privilege of living in the country, rather than the city, the air is fresher.  There is a lot more of God’s green creation that helps to purify the air, like the trees.  You can also help to purify your home with having plants that give off oxygen for us.  I also love to bring in the outdoors by diffusing essential oils.  There are different ones that kill off bad bacteria that is in the air.  My favorite is a Protective Blend.

What we eat can also be a factor in ridding our body of toxins.  There is so much of our food today that is full of toxic substances.  The more we stay away from processed foods the better.  But even the fresh foods that God has given us to eat are covered with toxins.  The more we can eat organic and non-GMO foods the better.  And it is best to wash all our fruits and veggies with soap to get rid of what we can of the bad bacteria.

I make up a foaming wash that I use that works great not only for washing fruits and veggies but also to wash my hands.  I take a 10-12 ounce foamer and put around 2 T. of Dr. Bronners Castile non-scented liquid soap in and then add 3-4 drops of Protective Blend.  Then I fill the rest with water and I have a great fruit and veggie wash.

The rest we get…

The rest we get is very important when it comes to reducing our toxic load as well.  In part 7 of this series, I went into more depth about getting good rest and the benefits of it.  But in short, it also helps our bodies to deal with the toxic load.  And if we are not doing all things that help with the toxic load our bodies get to the point that they can’t take it anymore and they become very sick.  For more details what sleep does and how you can get more rest make sure to read part 7.

We also need to be exercising.  Exercise keeps our blood moving through more quickly so that the impurities are filtered out.  And also when we get moving it we start to sweat and actually sweat out toxins.  Our body systems work together and we need to be doing all we can to support all our body systems.

Emotional stress…

Emotional stress is very toxic to the body.  We have to learn how to reduce our emotional stress.  All the things I mentioned above will really help with our emotional toxicity but there are other things that also will help in this area.  I will be diving into this more in part 10 in this series so stay tuned.

We need to flood our bodies…

We also need to flood our bodies with water.  Now you can over drink water but on the majority, we do not have trouble with too much water in our society.  I hate to break it to you but coffee, sodas, or any other drink other than water does not work.  Imagine trying to wash your dishes with any other substance other than water.  They would not be clean.  The same is true of our bodies.  We need water to keep our bodies clean and cleansed of the toxins.

It is easy to figure out the minimum amount of water you should drink each day.  Just take your weight and divide it by two and drink that in ounces.  So if you way 150 you would drink 75 ounces a day which is around 9-10 cups of water.  Now for me, I drink more than the minimum.

Some people have a really hard time drinking water.  There are some little tricks that you can do that can help.  You not only help you get rid of the toxins but also give some flavor to your water.  Some people like to squeeze fresh lemon or lime in their water.  Now I am not talking about lemonade, just the pure lemon.  What I like to do is add a few drops of essential oil like Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, etc.  It gives some flavor and helps detox me at the same time.

You might be saying, “I thought you just said not to add anything to your water.”  I did say that but it depends on what you add.  Essential oils like Lemon are actually added to many cleaning products such as dish soap.  If it can help detox my dishes it can detox me.  I am sorry coffee, soda, etc do not detox our dishes or our bodies.  There is a warning with this.  Not all essential oils are created equal so be careful which ones you choose to put on your body or take internally.  Purity is the key!  And even if you put it on your skin you are taking it into your body.

What about…

What about cleaners that are in our home?  Can they be toxic to us and cause our bodies to become toxic?  Absolutely!  That is why have made a big change in my cleaning products.  It has been a process.  But it has been so worth it.  I have tried different “healthy” laundry soaps and even though the smell is better than the ones you buy in the store, what I use now is even better for me.

And what I do for my dryer is wool balls with drops of my favorite essential oil on them.  You can change it up now and then with different ones.  I also have changed to a multi-purpose concentrated cleaner that I can mix up in different ways for different cleaning needs.  Also, there are DIY’s that I have used or want to try for the toilet, shower, sinks, etc.  My body handles these so much better.

And then there are the things that we put on our bodies like deodorants, lotions, soaps, shampoos, teeth, etc.  To have a healthy deodorant is a must. Using the deodorants that are antiperspirants is very unhealthy.  You want to the toxins to come out not be left in your body.  I have never used an antiperspirant but I have struggled with finding a healthy deodorant that actually works.  But now I have one and it is naturally infused with essential oils.  There is also an option for people who can’t use baking soda for absorbance.

I have changed my toothpaste to a natural one that does not have fluoride.  I love it and it has been a miracle for my mom.  She had been dealing with receding gum issues but the dentist told her that her gums are now reattaching.  I am so grateful!

I have also changed my shampoo and conditioner and what I actually put on my hair.  There are so many toxins in hair products and it goes right into your body.  It makes me cringe to think about it because it goes right into your brain.

What about perfumes? There are so many options with essential oils with DIY recipes for perfumes and it is way healthier for your body.  You will smell great and the oils are a blessing to your body.  Depending on which oils you use they can be relaxing during a stressful time at work, give you energy when you need a boost, etc.  I have several blends of oils that I get to use as a perfume.  One of my favorite essential oil blends for perfume is Hope.  I love the smell.  But another reason I love it is that the proceeds help support organizations like Operation Underground Railroad that are fighting against sex trafficking worldwide.

Lotions are another area of so many toxins.  I love the lotion that I use now because it has no scent.  Whenever I use some lotion I can choose to leave it with no scent or I can add one of my favorite essential oils to it.  For me, I love it when I know that I am using things that do not fill my body with toxins.

I am so grateful for the options that we now have to keep us healthier.  If we want to support healthy immune function we do need to make the appropriate changes in order to accomplish our goal.

Dear Father,

Thank You that You have ways for us to stay healthier.  It can be hard to follow a plan that is healthier for us.  Please give us the courage and the strength to make the changes that will make us healthier.  It can be more expensive for us to make those changes but Lord I have found that as I follow your plan for a healthier lifestyle You always come through with the blessings I need to accomplish my goal to be healthier.  Thank You for leading and guiding in each our lives.

In Jesus Name,


Start out making some changes today in your toxic load.  Just take it a step and a time and you will get there.

Love you all.

What changes have you already made in your life to eliminate your toxic load?  Share in the comments.

This is part 9 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 8 I talked about the rest that can bring complete rest and how it helps us maintain healthy spiritual immune function.  Coming up in part 10 I will be talking about toxic load when it comes to our spiritual lives.  Toxic things bombard us each day that can affect our spiritual lives.  What can we do to help reduce toxic load so that we can “Maintain Healthy Spiritual Immune Function?”  Stay tuned!

“Time to Rest? What is True Rest?” Part 7


What does it really mean to rest?  Is it just about how much sleep we get?  I believe that it goes much deeper than just sleep.  We might go to bed at night but what is our quality of sleep?  There are a lot of factors that come into play.

How much sleep should we really get?  And how can we get the best quality sleep?  I know that there are mornings I get up and I might have slept but I do not feel rested.  If we are not having the sleep and real rest we need it can affect our health dramatically.

As far as how much sleep we need it is different for each individual.  Those who are young and older need to get more hours of sleep.  Also, those who are sick or have a weakened immune system also require more sleep.  There are some basic guidelines that a person can look at and then they can also individualize them.  You can sleep too little and be tired and also sleep too much and be tired.  Oversleeping is not healthy either.

While Sleeping

There are many changes that take place while we are sleeping.   For children, they actually grow while they are sleeping.  Although they are growing all the time it seems that they actually grow more at night while they are sleeping.  It gives the body a chance to work more when the child is asleep.

Our body also restores and repairs itself while we are sleeping.  During this process, it is actually detoxing our bodies so that our immune systems are being built up to be ready for the next day’s threats.

Now if we are not doing the foundational things that I have already been talking about in the previous writings in this series it will affect our sleep.  We need to be eating healthy, making sure we get exercise and doing some other factors that will be talking later in this series that will affect our sleep.  Our immune systems can’t even begin to keep up with the toxins and the repairs each night if we are bombarding our body with things that our poisons to us.  We can’t control everything our bodies are subjected to but we need to control what we can.

Preparing for Sleep

There are things that you can do that will help prepare you for a good night of sleep.  Most people in our society today eat their biggest meal in the evening.  They are usually having harder to digest foods as well as eating late.  Then they go to bed in the hope to get a good night of sleep.  But the reality is that your body has to work so hard at digesting the food that it is definitely not a restful sleep.  And on top of it you’re not burning all the calories that you just ate because you are sleeping, therefore, it turns to fat.

The best thing to do is to make your supper meal the smallest and easiest to digest meal of the day.  And to make sure it is eaten several hours before you go to bed so that most of the digesting is completed.  This seems like a really hard thing to do but if you schedule your day and plan things out it is possible.  I know traditions are hard to break.  But keeping our immune systems healthy is so important.  Ask those that haven’t cared and have gotten really sick with something really serious.  Suddenly at that point, the changes that we needed to make seem very important but it could be too late.

More Factors

It is really important that your bedroom is really dark.  There should be no artificial light, like clocks or chargers.  Remove anything from your bedroom that lets off a light.  Any kind of light affects your sleep pattern which can affect how restful of a sleep that you get.  When there is light, when we should not have a light, it affects our circadian rhythm.  Thus we do not get a restful sleep and we do not have the best day either.  So make sure to remove everything that is producing an artificial light from your room.  If you are in an area where it is light a lot of hours in 24 it would be good to get blackout curtains so that your room can be completely dark.

The last factor that I am going to talk about in this writing is electronics.  The lights from our electronics affect our sleep.  The lights keep us stimulated.  I know that a lot of the devices now have a different color of light going into the evening to help with this issue.  But even that is not full proof.  And then there is the television as well.  The best thing to do is put away those devices at least 1 hour before going to bed but 2 hours would even be better.  You might be thinking, “I can’t do that.  How am I going to watch anything in the evening or keep in contact with my family and friends?”

Here is my suggestion.  Spend time with your spouse or family.  Because I hate to break it to you but watching something is not spending time with your spouse or family.  Do some things that are interactive.  Read together, play a board game, take an evening walk, etc.  There are endless things that you can do which involve more communication, which will draw your family closer together.  Reading (a real book, not on your electronics) before going to bed can get you into the sleeping mood as well.


Some people really struggle with calming down at night.  And they may have some imbalances.  I have found some things that have helped me in the process.  God has given us things in nature that can help in the relaxing process.  Taking a stroll in the outdoors in the evening can be calming.  Just being out in nature is relaxing.  If you live in the city this may be a little difficult but give it a try.

I have also found some products that really help me.  Valerian root taken in a capsule can be very relaxing if taken an hour before bed.  Also, if you have the time you can get in a warm bath with 1 cup of Epson salts along with 20 drops of relaxing essential oil like lavender.  Another thing that I like to do is diffuse some essential oils by my bed; my favorite is a Restful Blend.  I put a drop on each foot of Restful Blend and Vetiver essential oil.  The oils help get me relaxed and ready for a good night of sleep.  I feel more rested in the morning.

Another thing that I have found to be helpful if I do it, is thinking about a Bible verse as I lay in bed.  Instead of thinking over the things of the day and maybe worrying about the things coming tomorrow I can think of promises and pray.  I can say I never make it through my prayer.  Even when I wake in the middle of the night, praying helps me go back to sleep more quickly.  So instead of counting sheep spend time praying for others.

Dear Father,

Our need for good sleep is very necessary for us to have a good healthy immune system.  As we make a commitment to get the rest we need You to help us follow through.  Thank You for giving us such amazing bodies.

In Jesus Name,


Commit to getting more rest today.  Your life depends on it.

Love you all!

What do you do to help you relax before going to bed?

This is part 7 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 6 I talked about how prayer is the breath of the soul and how it helps us maintain healthy spiritual immune function.  Coming up in part 8 I will be talking about another kind of rest and how it helps maintain healthy spiritual immune function.  Stay tuned!

“Help me! I Can’t Breathe!!” Part 5


Breathing is a very important part of life.  Being able to breathe is part of what keeps us alive.  And if we stop breathing life is over.

I well remember the day I couldn’t breathe.  It was during a time when I was very ill with what the doctors couldn’t even figure out.  I came desperately into the room where my husband was and said, as best I could, I could not breathe.  I felt like I was suffocating.  It was back when all we had for the Internet was dial-up and my husband was online.  When it comes to technology he does not do well and he could not even figure out how to get it off the dial-up so that he could make a phone call.  So he did the only thing he knew to do.

By this time I was sitting and desperately trying to breathe.  He came over to me and talked to me.  He told me to breathe slowly and calmly.  I don’t remember how long it lasted but it was one of the scariest things that I have ever experienced.  When I asked my husband later how bad it was he told me that I was starting to turn blue.

So how important is breathing?  Breathing is life-saving.  I have had a similar experience more than once since that time but never as bad as it was that day.  One thing that I learned to do is when I felt it coming on I would breathe slowly and keep my mind focused.  And I was able to make it through.

Another thing this experience has done for me give me empathy for those who are having a hard time breathing.  My father-in-law had congestive heart failure plus COPD and there were many times where he didn’t feel like he could breathe.  He was in a care facility and the nurses would try to help him but it didn’t take long and he would call me.  I could understand and relate to the feeling.  You feel so desperate.  I was able to help him just by talking him through it.

Fresh air

Now we can be breathing but not getting fresh air.  Fresh air is so important to the function of our bodies and to help us maintain a healthy immune function. Now I know our bodies don’t think or talk but if they could they would tell you how desperate they are for some fresh air.  Just like I was desperate that day for air, our bodies feel starved and desperate for some fresh air.  They are dying.

You may be saying, “That’s crazy, I feel just fine.  My body doesn’t seem to be bothered.”  It can be subtle because we have slowly gotten to where we are and we don’t know what the true “normal” should be.  We have slowly become more tired, sluggish, and fight sickness more.  Our digestive systems have gotten worse and we just blame age.  And although age can be a factor along with many other things, not getting fresh air can be a factor as well.

Getting fresh air is so important.  When you are exercising in the open air that really is helpful.  But if you are unable to get outside to walk or run you can just take a few minutes several times a day to step out and take some good deep breaths of fresh air.

It is good to breathe in through your nose filling your lungs as much as possible.  I would hold it there a few seconds then let it out slowly through your mouth.  Make sure to get as much air out as possible. You can do this maybe 3 or 4 times as many times in the day as you can get in.  This is a good way to clean out the impurities in your lungs.

Daily Need

I remember when my children were younger.  We were homeschooling and we would go outside for some exercise.  I had one child that had exercised induced asthma.  When we would do the deep breathing exercises it was amazing.  We would breathe in deeply and then let the air slowly out.  When my son with the lung issue would let the air out through his mouth you could see stuff coming out into the air.  We all saw it and we started checking each other to see if any of the rest of us were having that and we were not.  There were impurities in his lungs that were coming out as we did this exercise.

I like to do things that can help to really open up my airways so that when I breathe in the fresh air I get greater benefit.  And for those that may struggle with some lung issues having something that helps to open up those airways is a great benefit.  And while you are breathing in that fresh air you get very energized.  I like to use a respiratory blend that helps to open up those airways.  I know my son received a benefit not only when he put some on his chest but also when he diffuses it in his room, especially at night.

Also for those that deal with seasonal threats, as my husband does, doing some seasonal blend soft gels can help support your body in opening up those airways. It has been such a blessing for him.

You want to make sure you can get out and get some fresh air.  If you’re like me I have a treadmill.  I definitely don’t want to go out in the freezing cold weather to walk plus I do it so early in the morning it is still dark.  But what I do is open my window so fresh air comes in.

Every time you step out the door to go somewhere take a few seconds and take some deep breaths.  This is what helps clean the toxins out of our lungs so that our immune systems can function properly.  And if we make it a habit every time we step out the door we will get what we need.

Dear Father,

Thank You for giving us the fresh air that can bring such wonderful benefits to our bodies.  You have given us air as a sustaining life force.  Help us to realize how important it is to have a healthy immune function.

In Jesus Name,


Make it a habit today to start doing deep breathing exercise to keep your body healthy.

Love you all!

What do you do to help you remember to do deep breathing?  What benefits have you had?

This is part 5 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 4 I talked about how to exercise spiritually to maintain a healthy spiritual immune system.  Coming up in part 6 I will be talking about spiritual “fresh air” and how it plays a role in maintaining healthy spiritual immune function.  Stay tuned!


“You Need to Keep Moving!!” Part 3


Have you ever been on a plane or even in a car for a long trip?  You have been flying or driving for hours and it seems that you will never get there.  I know some people who have flown for many hours and there is a tenancy for your legs to start swelling because of lack of movement.  What’s it feel like when you finally arrive and you can get off the plane and walk?  You want to get off and start to walk around but on the other hand, it is so difficult.  It is not easy to start walking.  Your legs don’t feel right and your muscles feel like they haven’t moved in eternity.  But you persevere and get moving.


So how important is movement?  Moving is so important for our bodies and it can help with keeping our immune function healthy.  As we move our hearts pump more rapidly so that our blood pumps through all the systems of our body.  Thus our blood is getting filtered from all the impurities that bring the immunity down.

If you are just a couch potato your blood becomes sluggish and the impurities just sit there.  Maybe you’re not a “couch potato” so to speak because you go to work every day but what kind of job do you have.  Do you sit mostly at a desk all day?  There are many that get up in the morning, eat their breakfast, maybe.  And then they drive to work, which means sitting.  Once they get to work they sit at a desk all day long getting up only to use the bathroom.  They do take lunch but then they just go into the lunch room and sit.  And then they drive home which is just more sitting.  The majority of society sits in front of a TV while eating dinner.  This is not far from a couch potato.  Unfortunately, this lifestyle goes on year after year.


Exercise is so important to healthy immune function.  We need more than just walking from our home to car, car to desk, and back to home again.  We need something that will get our heart rate up and keep that blood flowing to get the impurities cleaned up.

So having a good walking routine that you do at least 5 days a week is important.  Walking can be the very best type of exercise.  But really the best kind of exercise is the one that you will do.  So find something you enjoy.  If you can’t find anything you enjoy make sure you persevere in something.  Maybe you need to write out a “why” for the reason you want to exercise and that can keep you motivated.

Doing weight lifting is also important for keeping our bodies healthy.  As we age our muscle start to atrophy.  We need to be sure that we keep them toned and healthy so that our immune systems stay healthy.  It doesn’t always have to be lifting weights as long as you are using those muscles that do the lifting.  Push-ups can be another way to build our arm muscles.  Shoveling snow could be another one, which happens at our home in the wintertime.  Be creative.

Some people struggle with exercising due to some health challenges.  Just make sure and take it slow and talk to your doctor about what you can safely do.  

Another complaint I hear is “I don’t have the energy”.  So in order to get a pick me up, they drink some coffee or caffeinated drink to help get the energy to do what they need to do, which is not good at all.  Exercise will actually help give you energy.  But you have to make sure not to do too much too quickly.


There are many people who don’t get out, as they should exercise.  They use many excuses, lack of time, no energy, too much discomfort, etc.  I have found that when I take the time I actually have more success in my day and I get more done.  I find that time is not a factor it is just what my brain tries to convince me so that I don’t take the time.

I do understand the energy.  There can be different reasons why a person may not have the energy for it.  You may have a condition that is causing you not to have the ability to exercise. But the majority of us would find as we exercise that we would start to get more energy.  The important thing is to start out slow and build up to more.  Because of some things that I have dealt with physically, there are some other things that I do that really helps with my energy levels so that I have the ability to exercise.  I have some supplements that I take along with an energy & stamina complex.  Each person is different and needs to do what will help them reach their goals.

When it comes to discomfort in your joints or muscles building up gradually is also a key.  One thing that many athletes use that I have found beneficial is a soothing blend rub.  Most athletes put it on before and after their workouts.  I don’t always remember put it on before but even if you do it afterward it is very helpful.

Dear Father,

As we take the time to get physical exercise we pray for Your blessing.  I know that as we keep moving and circulate the blood that you have given us through our body it will be healthier.  Thank you for giving us such amazing bodies so as we follow Your plan for health it makes our immune systems stronger.

In Jesus Name,


Start today!  Get out and take a walk.

Love you all.

What is your favorite kind of exercise?

This is part 3 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 2 I talked about the foundation of how to support our spiritual immune system.  Coming up in part 4 I will be talking about how spiritual exercise plays a role in maintaining a healthy spiritual immune function.  Stay tuned!

“I Don’t Want to be Sick!!!” (Part 1)


I don’t know about you but everywhere I go there is someone sick.  I keep thinking that maybe I can let down my guard a little because everyone at my house is well.  But then someone gets sick at work, home, church, or I run into someone at the store, bank, or post office that is sick.

Because I have a compromised immune system due to the different health issues I have had over the years I have to work really hard to stay on top of things.  I cannot step aside from right health principles and get away with it like some people seem to do.

I am not able to diagnose, treat or cure.  But I do believe disease is an effort of nature to free our bodies from conditions that result from violating the laws of health.  So when a person does get sick, the cause should be discovered. There should be changes made in the unhealthful conditions.  And make sure to correct wrong habits.  Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to get rid of impurities and to reestablish the right conditions in the body.

God has made our bodies to be an amazing machine and if we give it the right conditions by following His laws of health then our bodies can heal themselves.  I believe that nature must have an opportunity to do her work.  Any obstacles must be removed, and a chance must be given her to exert her healing forces, which she will surely do if every abuse is removed from her and she has a fair opportunity to do so.

I believe nature is God’s physician.  And the Lord has provided us health-giving properties in the flowers and trees.

Invite God to join you as you read and learn ways that you can assist your body in supporting your immune system.


The foundation of a healthy immune system is in how we eat.  We are bombarded with so many toxic things in our foods today.  It would be good for us to stay away from as many processed foods as possible.  So when it comes to shopping get more of those things that are on the outside isles.

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is great in helping to build the immune system.  The fresher you can eat the better.  These should make up the majority of our diets.

The meats and dairy products have become so diseased that it would be better to choose legumes, whole grains, and nuts.  Instead of getting the mostly white bread, choose the whole grain bread or make your own.  And instead of buying dairy products you can get alternative milk and cheeses.  Or if you are like me I like to make them myself.  There are some great recipes out there.  Eating a plant-based diet helps keep our body healthy.

Real Food

We need to be staying away from all the refined foods and making sure to lower your sugar intake or just throw it out altogether.   Instead of eating or drinking something full of sugar just eat a piece of fresh fruit.  Sugar can lead to insulin resistance, it promotes inflammation, can lead to weight gain, contributes to non-alcoholic liver disease, appears to act as a fertilizer for cancer, among other things, it also lowers the immune system.

I remember hearing a story about a person getting pulled over and they had an alcohol level.  They were not a drinker but had just come from a party where they had consumed ice cream.  Sugar and milk together actually ferments in the stomach and therefore turns to alcohol.

Speaking of cancer, did you know that the stuff they have you drink before doing a scan to see if you have cancer is sugar because it makes the cancer light up like a Christmas tree?

When you eat sugar it lowers your immune system for several hours while your body tries to deal with it.  If you have a sugary drink or food several times a day your body does not have the defenses it needs to fight against anything it may come in contact with each day.  It seems best to stick with what God has given us to eat.


Also available in vegan

Even if we are eating the healthiest food we cannot get all the nutrients that we need.  Everything is so depleted.  To help support a healthy immune system taking a good supplement is very needed.  Making sure it is a good quality supplement is important as well.  I know that I have tried many but when you find a supplement that is good quality what a difference it makes.  It changed my life.


To keep our healthy immune systems functioning properly we need to make sure our digestion is working well.  Taking enzymes to help with the digestion of our food is needed.  The only food that we get enzymes from for digestion is raw.  As soon as you cook it you lose the enzymes.  And the raw that we get from the grocery stores, even if it is organic, is only around 20% due to the fact that it is picked green.  The more we can eat directly picked ripe the better.  We have two types of enzymes our metabolic and our digestive enzymes.  If we do not have enough digestive enzymes it steals from our metabolic enzymes.

So what exactly is the difference between metabolic and digestive enzymes?  Simply put the metabolic enzymes are responsible for the functioning of our bodies at the level of the blood, tissues, and organs.  And of course, the digestive enzymes digest our food.

The fact is if we are stealing from our metabolic enzymes to digest our foods it can lead to many problems happening in the body, thus lowering our immune function.  We have got to get our digestive system working well.  Probiotics are another one that helps keep our digestive system flowing well.  A probiotic keeps the good bacteria in the gut that helps improve our digestion and elimination process.  I like to take enzymes and a probiotic, one of each before bed to help move things through the body by morning.  And for me, I take enzymes at each meal as well.  If our digestion is working, as it should, it helps us maintain a healthy immunes system.

Dear Father,

As we strive to do those things that will give the best nutrients to our bodies we ask for Your blessing.  You have given us such an amazing body that runs in perfect order if we supply it with what you have given us.  Thank You for such a blessing.

In Jesus Name,


Make some changes in your life today to support a healthy immune system.

Love you all.

This is part 1 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many other things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 1 I have been talking about the foundation of how to support your healthy immune system.  In Part 2 I will talk about the foundation of spiritual nutrition.



“Distractions Cause Damage!!”


We live in an overly complicated world.  There are distractions everywhere.  We can get distracted with life and quit exercising and before we know it our bodies are out of shape.  We can get distracted eating what looks appealing.  And the next thing we know we have some extra pounds that we are carrying around.

Most people think and worry about what things look like on the outside.  But the damage that happens on the inside is way more concerning.  What is on the outside is just a symptom of the root problem.  And until we see those visible symptoms we tend to ignore those things that are bringing a lot of harm to us.  It also comes so gradually that we tend to not focus on it until it is major and we realize if we don’t make a change it is going to be a life or death matter.


The other day there was some snow coming down on my way to work.  I was thinking that I should probably be more careful but since it was just starting to cover the road I thought it probably was not that bad yet.  The one thing that I had not taken into account was what the weather had been doing before there was a skiff of snow on the ground.

As I was heading down a hill that curves to the left as you go down, I did not go in a lower gear as I normally do.  And as I was going down I got distracted with something else along with my thoughts and I was going faster than I should have been.  I ended up not curving to the left but straight into the bank.  I was unable to back the vehicle out so I had to call my husband.

Help arrived

When my husband arrived he and my daughter got in front of the vehicle and started to push. By this time we had an audience.  All the little children that stand out for the bus had arrived and they were staring.  Soon there were some parents that showed up as well and were asking if we needed help.  How embarrassing!

Finally, my husband and daughter had me pushed out.  After the school bus passed by and all the children were loaded up and gone, I pulled the car across the road to a parking lot.  My husband came and looked things over.  Surprisingly the right side of the car that went into the bank the most appeared to have no damage but the left-hand side had enough damage he was afraid to have me drive it until he could check it out.  The left side already had damage from my father-in-law when he was driving it years ago so it had more weakness but also the chunks of snow appeared to be larger and harder than the ones that hit the right side.

Spiritual distractions

What about spiritually?  Do we realize how bad the road of life is?  Are we going through life carefully or are we being distracted?

We are living in a time in earth’s history like never before.  The “road” is getting more dangerous to travel.  It seems like things are okay and we go oblivious on our way not staying focused and “driving” to fast for the conditions.

We are so busy with work, the pleasures of this world, keeping the house in order, doing church duties (oh, but church those are good and right things, correct?), maybe staying fit and maybe even having “family” time that we forget the most important thing that keeps us on the “road”.  Here is the question, Are we on the right road?

Which road is right?

When my son heard which direction of our loop road I had been traveling on he let me know he never goes that way this time of year.  It is steep and more likely to be a problem in the winter time.  For me, I have traveled that road for more than 25 years and never had a problem.  But that day I was so distracted with my thoughts as well as looking away.   Looking away from your driving is hazardous.  I had already almost hit a deer because I was adjusting my heat.

You might say that we are living in the “winter” of this world’s history.  We don’t have time to be taking the wrong road.  We need to be taking the road that is safer, leading us to heaven rather than taking the road that leads to destruction.  “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it” Matthew 7:13, 14.

The most important

The first and most important thing in life is keeping our relationship with Christ.  The devil wants to keep us distracted by the things of this world that we forget our connection with Christ.  And he can keep us distracted even with good and right things.  But we have to make God our priority.  We need our priorities straight.

You may be asking but isn’t my family supposed to be my priority? There is a place for family but not before God.  “If any man come to me, and hate (love less) not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:26.  We need to love God above everything and everybody including ourselves.  He needs to be the priority in our lives.  And the reality is we cannot truly love others or ourselves without Jesus dwelling in our heart through His Holy Spirit.  Our own love is filled with selfishness.


Taking care of ourselves is a priority after God.  You may be saying,  “Isn’t that selfish?”  Making our priority God is taking care of ourselves first spiritually but we also should take care of our physical needs as well.  Many people will say I don’t have time to exercise or eat right because I am too busy trying to take care of everyone else.  Wrong thinking!  We cannot properly take care of others if our physical and spiritual life isn’t in order.

After our spiritual and physical has taken priority then our family comes next.  If you’re married your wife or husband is your next priority and then your children.  If you’re not married yet your parents and siblings are your next priority.  We have to keep our priorities in the right order.  Now we cannot neglect our family by saying that we are taking care of our spiritual and physical needs and we don’t have time for the family.  We have to cut things out of our lives so that we do have the time to do what God intends for our lives.  It starts by making a plan, making out a schedule, and following it.

Dear Father,

We need Your help in prioritizing our lives.  I know from experience that as I set my priorities to spend time with You and to take care of my body temple, that You want to dwell in, my time multiplies.  But I still struggle to trust You.  Give me Your strength and courage to follow Your ways.

In Jesus Name,


Don’t let the things of this world distract you.  Make a commitment today to take the right road and to stay focused on the priorities.

Have you ever gone off the road?  What did you learn?  I would love to have you share below in the comments.

Stay tuned for my next blog to hear, as Paul Harvey would say, “The rest of the story.”


Maintenance Required!!


There is really nothing in life that does not require maintenance.  If you want to keep your car in running order it requires maintenance.  Things in your home start going bad and it requires you to maintain it.  Some examples are if you want a toilet, sink, or lighting working properly. The other thing that we have to maintain is our body.  We can’t just go on with life as usual without maintenance.

For me, I fall into the latter category.  As a child, I got Scarlet Fever and Rheumatic Fever.   These brought damage to my immune system and my heart so I had to be more careful than others.  Then in 2008, I got Lyme disease and it did more damage to my body.  It has made it more of a struggle for my immune system.  So maintaining a healthy lifestyle has been a must.  But it also did damage to nerves and muscles that affect the right side of my body.  It totally deformed my body on the right side, which took therapy to get it back to some normalcy.  But it requires maintenance to keep the pain at a minimal.  It brought more damage to my heart so exercising is paramount.  And trying to have less stress is also helpful but seemingly impossible.


With those that are generally healthy you can get away with a lot of things for a long while and it seems okay.  But it will eventually catch up with you in your older years.  For me, it is work to stay where I need to be.

For me, there are requirements if I want to stay in less pain and to be functional.  All my muscles have never been the same since I came down with Lyme.  But my right side is the worst.  The muscles stay very tight and easily pull things out of alignment.  So there are two things I need to do to get back to somewhat normal.  I need to go to a deep massage therapist who gets really deep into the muscles to try to loosen them.  Anything other than that will not get them to loosen up some.  Then I also need to go to a chiropractor (I have a great one)  and get an adjustment.  I do have to do these fairly often to maintain.  But because I want to save the money, I often don’t which causes me more discomfort.

Daily Routine

Once I am loosened and adjusted there is a daily routine that helps keep things where they should be for longer and that is exercise.  And I am not talking about just walking, although that is great and needed.  I am talking about muscle strengthening exercises.  I need to do weights and anything that will strengthen those muscles.  It does help make the adjustments and message last longer.   But I still have to get that maintenance every so often.

Our bodies are amazing!  Our spines have nerves running through them.  And it sends messages to the brain and the brain sends messages back.  Like if you poke your finger it travels to the brain.  Then a message is sent back to say that it is pain and what to do about it.  Wow!  And it happens in less than seconds.


Think about if your spine is misaligned.  What exactly will happen?  There are so many things that can go wrong.  The nerves that have certain jobs to do get crimped and those jobs are not done as they should be and things go wrong.

I understand that very much because of my own health.  When things are not aligned as they should be I feel the results.  I already have nerve damage from the Lyme and it increases the results when there is crimping of the nerves going on.


I have a good example from my daughter.  Just before she was born I got into a rear-ending accident.  I was hit pretty hard and it took therapy for the damage that had been done. I was still receiving treatment when my daughter was born.

She had a problem right from the start that seemed really unbelievable to me.  I was nursing her but she was not pooping.  I finally took her into the doctor and he told me that I would need to use a depository to get her to poop.  He told me that this was a condition that some people have and that she would have to deal with constipation for the rest of her life.  I was really devastated with that but went forward and did what I had to do.

I was at one of my chiropractic treatments one day and somehow the subject got brought up about my daughter.  The gal told me to bring her in the next time and let her take a look at my daughter.  I did so and she did an adjustment in her hip area.  I was so amazed it took care of her problem and I no longer had to use a depository for her to poop.  The gal had me bring her in one more time and that was it.  I asked her how that would happen.  She told me that when a baby is born it can be rough on their bodies and sometimes misalignment takes place.

Due to my condition, I must have ongoing maintenance and I am so grateful that chiropractic and message are available to help me through my journey in life.  And as I exercise with walking and weight lifting I can help maintain my health so that I don’t need as much of the maintenance.


But all this got me to thinking about my Christian walk.  The concept for our Christian walk is the same.  Lyme disease is not much different than sin. Lyme disease attacks the heart, mind, muscles, nerves, etc. And sin “disease” also attacks the heart, mind, muscles, nerves, etc.  I have to spend time in prayer and study of God’s Word to keep my spiritual muscles strong.  If I don’t do it every day my spiritual muscles start to get weak and I get misaligned with God.  When this happens things don’t go as well.

In order for me to get back in alignment, I need to go to the “Chiropractor” (God) and get an “adjustment” (forgiveness).  Sometimes if we have allowed ourselves to get too far those spiritual muscles have become so hard and stiff that it takes more than just a simple “adjustment”.  You really have to get in and get a “deep massage” (agonizing on your knees).  Sometimes we need God to dig deep into our lives and reveal to us those things that are causing the misalignment.  Our spiritual muscles have become so tight we can’t see why but God knows and can show us.  Just like a deep massage can be physically painful for a temporary time, when we go to God in need of a deep spiritual “massage” and “adjustment” it can be emotionally painful as we allow Him to show us why our spiritual muscles are so tight.

Just like if we try to exercise and lift weights when our body is misaligned it will do damage so spiritually if we try to get close to the Lord without first aligning ourselves with His will it will do spiritual damage.  It will make us feel like we are okay because we are doing the “works” but we are not.


Once we have made things right with God we can maintain our connection by spending that time each day in prayer and the study of His Word.  So the question is do we still need to get a spiritual “massage” and “adjustment” if we are exercising and building our spiritual muscles every day?  I believe that we do.  I believe that now and then we need to go to God asking for Him to reveal to us ways that we can have a deeper relationship with Him.  He will give us a spiritual “massage” and “adjustment” that will give us an even deeper connection with Him.

I am grateful for His grace and mercy that does not reveal to us every aspect that we need to change in our lives all at once.  He brings things to us as we can handle them.  So now and then He does a “deep massage” and “adjustment” when He can see that we are ready.  So one time you may go to Him and He reveals nothing and the next time He does.  And you may wonder why He didn’t show you that the last time because it was in your life then too.  It is His grace and mercy.  He knows when the time is right to show us the changes that we need.

Dear Father,

Thank You so much for Your grace and mercy.  I am grateful that I can come to you for a spiritual “massage” and “adjustment” and I know that You will not give me more than I can handle.  It may seem, at times, that it is more than I can handle but I know that I can trust You and that You will walk through it with me, for which I am thankful.

In Jesus Name,


You can trust God with your life.  Go to Him today and allow Him to give you a spiritual “massage” and “adjustment” so that you can be fully aligned with Him.

Love you all.

Do you have an experience that you can share that would express God’s grace and mercy?  Share it below in the comments.