“I Am Struggling With Trusting You!”

As a Christian have you ever asked the question why?  You’re trying to make it in life.  You’re trying to have a successful marriage.  And you are trying to raise Godly children.  Maybe you are single and you are trying to find a truly godly husband or wife but it seems they are far and few between.  What is God doing?  Why are things in my life not going the way it should be for me being a Christian?

I have had these questions come up throughout my life.  There are so many times that I have felt like, “Is God really there?”  “Is He really working in my life?”  “Does He really care?”  I have struggle with looking at other “Christians” that seem to be on fire for the Lord and their lives are so put together.  My question is to God, “Why do they have it easier than I do?  What is going on, Lord?”

The number one wisest advice I can give you is do not look at people.  People are not who we are trying to please and they should not be our example.  God is our only true guide and example.  Get into His Word.

But that still does not deal with the questions that nag our hearts, “Why me?”  Here are a few ideas that I came to realize why some of the people I know have it “easier” than I do.

  1. They are relying on God. There are people who are so reliant on God that we do not see or know the struggles that they may be going through.  They take their troubles to God and they surrender themselves to God and leave their problems with Him to solve. I tend to keep taking them back rather than leaving it with God.  Somehow we think He can’t take care of things.  What we do is give it to God and give Him a deadline to take care of it.  God is not a puppet.  I do want to add in here that there are people who follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and they aren’t even considered a “Christian” but God honors them.  They don’t even know that the are following God but when they are listening to that still small voice, that they don’t even know where it is coming from, they are following God’s leading.
  2. They are two-faced. I have found that there are people who appear to be a wonderful Christian.  They pray beautiful prayers, do wonderful things, and seem to so love.  They don’t seem to be having the attacks that I am getting as a Christian.  But as I have gotten more involved with them I realize that they are really of the world.  They haven’t given up anything for Christ.  They are still doing all the worldly things that Christ has told us to shun.  The devil is giving them a life of ease.  He is making them feel comfortable.  They are feeling just fine with their life.  Remember there are only two powers.  We cannot serve two masters.
  3. Those that are not following God. The third group is those that are not following God.  There are only two powers.  So if a person is not following God they are automatically in the camp of the devil.  Why would the devil have to give any trials or discouragements to them?  He already has them.  He may even prosper them so that they are more attractive to us.  It is not that they don’t have struggles but in appearance they seem to be being blessed.  A lot of these people are really unhappy because only God can bring true happiness.  How many of us have heard about people who seem to have everything, fame and fortune, but they end up committing suicide because they are not happy?

Where I really want to be is in the first group, relying on God.  Our human nature just wants to get involved with God’s plan for our lives.  I struggle with this quite regularly.

We have recently had financial difficulty.  I have had to get a job outside the home.  I already have been working in our home business but now I needed to add more.  The Lord did provide me a job where they call me in when they have extra work and need my help.  I told the Lord, “You provide the work I need through this company.”  For the first several weeks I was really busy.  They were saying how they were so busy compared to what they had been.  Then things kind of dried up.  They really wanted me there but the work just was not coming in.  Of course my human nature took over and was asking God “why”.  He knew we needed the money.  I kept taking it and then giving it back to Him again.  When I would give it back to Him they would call me in for a day or two to work.  But then when they were caught up there was not work and I would say, “Lord, Why?”  Then finally I gave it back to Him.

Then one day the boss asked me if I would be interested in a part-time job that would be more regular.  One of the other employees needed to cut back to part-time.  Now I can see God’s plan but I could not before.  Now I am being trained in to an actual position in the company.  Why does it take me so long to learn?

After that happened the Lord brought something to my attention.  I read a quote that was referring to what patience means.  “Accepting a difficult situation from God without giving Him a deadline to remove it.”  When I read this I was like, “Lord, You’re being loud and clear.”


The devil wants to try to discourage us by the things he brings into our lives but we need to allow God to use those things to refine our character.  I believe that nothing comes into our lives unless it passes through the hands of God.  God has to give permission and He only gives permission to those things that He knows will help us make the decisions we should and refine our character.  Unfortunately we can’t see the things that the Lord does not allow through.  If we could see all the things that the Lord protects us from we would be amazed.

So what is the conclusion to all of this?  There are three things that I would recommend doing.

  1. Don’t look at people. We cannot read the heart of any person.  We can’t know the situation of any person.  But God sees it all.  Leave other people with Him and don’t use them for your example in life.  People will always disappoint us.
  2. Focus on God. Keep your focus on God alone.
  3. Give everything to God and let Him work out the details. We need to cooperate with God but let Him take control of all things.  Just like when I applied for the job that was, “We will call in when needed”, I had to rely on the Lord.  But I also couldn’t sit back and wait for someone to knock on my door and say we have a job for you.  That is not how God works.  We step forward and do, and then He does the rest.  But we have to leave the outcome in His hands after we have stepped forward.

Human nature wants to be in control so it is hard to fully hand it to God and let Him take care of it.  You all have probably heard the saying that goes something like this,  “God is never too late but rarely early but always on time.”

It is a hard thing to trust God but I have found that as I have the outcome is so much better.  The more we trust the more we can see the hand of God in our lives and then it makes it easier to trust.  Having a journal can be a good way to remember what God has done for us later on when things seem tough.  You can go back and read what the Lord has done.

Dear Father,

Thank You for Your love and patience.  Thank You that You love us so much You do not give up on us.  Continue to guide us.

In Jesus Name,


Give everything to God today.  You can trust Him.

What have you found to be the most helpful way to learn to trust God?


One thing that we all have in common is we all have a father.  Now what we think of our father can all be different.  Some of you may be very close to your father and others may not.  No matter what your experience has been with your father in a couple of days it will be the day to celebrate fathers.

As a kid I don’t remember what we specifically did on Father’s Day.  Looking back at my younger years, until I was around 11 years old my dad had his own business.  One thing I remember very well, he would come home from work on a Thursday night or late morning on a Friday and say,  “Let’s go camping.”  We would be so excited and immediately prepare for going.  We never knew when it was going to happen but it was wonderful when it did.

As I got older there were circumstances that changed in our lives and that closeness I had with my Father when I was younger was not the same.  Because of those circumstances and the breakdown in communication I did not always listen to my Father’s advice.  Because of that I made some decisions that weren’t what they should haven been.  And some of those decisions have affected and will affect me for the rest of my life.

One thing I have learned now that I am older, I wish I would have known in my younger years, was to listen to my Father even if I did not agree with him.

I think it should go without saying, but I want to emphasize here, that as I share here I am talking about a father that is safe.  If you live in an abusive situation or have lived in an abusive situation you need to get away from it and don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position with him again.  Although we need to have a forgiving spirit we do not need to live or be around someone who is abusive.  Forgiving does not mean we don’t set boundaries.

If we have a Christian father or even if he is not Christian we need to honor and obey him as long as it is not contrary to God’s Word.  If I had done this I would have saved myself so much grief.  But as a young person we somehow think we know so much more than our parents and how can they possibly understand.

I want to speak to fathers.  There are so many things that you do for your family that is mechanical.  They are definitely things that need to be accomplished.  Your family could not survive without the things that you do.  But there are other things that should not be left out or you will lose your children.  I want to share some steps with you that can help towards a better relationship with your children.

  1. Love them. This should really go without saying but I do understand that a lot of fathers do not even know how to love.  They think that love is all about the mechanical things that they do, like providing food.  The kind of love I am talking about is unconditional love just as Christ has loved you.  In the next steps love will be more defined in actions you can take to show love.
  2. Keep an open communication. A lot of times the only communication is mechanical and disconnected with your children.  How you communicate may differ between children for sure.  Because boys tend to be more mechanical, just like their fathers, do something with them and while doing it ask them about their day, listen to their heart.  With girls definitely take the time to listen.  Sit with her or take a short walk with her.  Find out what would be the best thing to do.  Ask your wife she can probably help you in this area. Show your children that you have the time for them and allow them to share what is on their hearts without condemnation.
  3. Spending time. By having the time for them they know that they are important to you.  Too many times fathers are too busy to spend time.  And I am not talking about spending time in front of the television.  It needs to be relational time.  When watching something everyone zones out, that is not relational.  Spend time doing something they would like to do.
  4. Speak kind words. A lot of times fathers tend to be harsh.  Yelling, “I am the one in charge you better obey me.”  Although fathers need to be an authority figure they can do it in love.  How would Jesus treat the young person that you are addressing no matter what they have done?  How has Jesus treated you when you have made mistakes, small or major?  Natural consequences may come but love them through it.
  5. Encourage them. You might say that is the same as “speak kind words”.  I want to make a distinction.  I would say the majority of fathers notice and pounce on all the bad that their children do but hardly say a word or maybe don’t say anything about the good they do.  You need to reverse this.  You need to encourage them in the good things they are involved in as well as the good actions they may have.  When they do something bad be matter of fact with the consequences, in love, and let it go.  Don’t rant and rave about it.  And when they do or say something good make a big deal, within reason.  You will find that this can make an amazing difference.
  6. Speak words of blessing. I was introduced to the book “Power of a Spoken Blessing”.  This is a good book for any relationship.  But I found this to be such a blessing for the relationship with my children.  I am definitely not perfect at it but I see the concept as such a blessing.  Our words have the power to crush a person or to heal.  It is really impossible to explain the whole concept here but I want to give one example.  It all depends on age but here is a blessing that was given to a seven-year-old that was struggling with sulkiness and gloom that worsened over a period of months.  All the attempts that were made to correct the problem failed until the parents learned about using words to bless.  Here is what they said, “Lord bless Samuel with a radiant countenance, joy in his heart, and a beautiful smile that ministers into the life of others.”  It made a difference in the life of their child.  Fathers can be speaking such negative words toward their children that it discourages them.  But changing that to positive words, speaking words of what you want them to become, will make an amazing change.
  7. Ask forgiveness. I cannot emphasize this enough.  You are not going to be a perfect father.  When you make a mistake, go to your child and confess your wrong and ask forgiveness.  And please, please, please don’t make excuses, just accept responsibility.  If you have gotten angry with your child don’t go and say, “I am really sorry I got angry at you, but if you had not done ______ I wouldn’t have.  Can you forgive me?” You have lost your Childs heart right there.  Instead say something like this.  “Johnny, I got angry with you and that was wrong for me to do, can you please forgive me?”  Then you can let them know you love them and walk away.
  8. Love their mother. There are a lot of children that are coming up in divided homes.  But if you are still together with your wife loving her and showing that love is a security for the children no matter what the age.  If you are no longer with your wife still show a loving spirit toward her and not a critical one.  It makes children bitter to hear negative critical talk.

Dear Father,

Being a father, especially to children that show rebellion is so difficult.  But You know and can understand because You deal with rebellion all the time and You still show us love.  Thank You for being such a loving compassionate God.  Help each father, on this special weekend for “Father’s Day”, feel Your presence and forgiveness.  And help them in going forward into this next year to become more like You.

In Jesus Name,


Even though I know what I have shared here is not exhaustive it will be a starting point.  Commit today to be a father that is fully surrendered to God in every area of your life and see the transformation that can come to your family.

To those of us with fathers, listen to them and obey their counsel if it is not contrary to God’s Word.  Show them honor and respect.

What ways have you found that have helped in molding your children’s characters to be like Christ that have been a blessing?

Do you have a story about your father and what a blessing he has been to you?


“He’s Getting Married!”

It seems that hardly a week goes by and I hear about someone getting married.  I am sure as you read this you probably have more than one person come to mind that is either getting married very soon, has recently gotten engaged, or has recently married.

A few days ago somebody I know got married.  Although I was unable to attend the wedding it makes me think of weddings that I have attended.

I love the beauty of a wedding and to see all the diversity of wedding ideas that come out of different personalities, cultures and backgrounds.

I can picture the happiness of the bride preparing herself for her soon to be husband.  I love it when the groom does not see his bride until she is fully prepared.  The brides beautiful white dress, representing purity and her hair beautifully done.  She has prepared herself in the most beautiful way.  She is radiant with love for her husband to be.

The groom is anticipating his pride walking down the aisle toward him.  He will have the privilege of her being with him forever, “until death do us part”.  He is full of excitement and a desire to take care of the one that he loves and has longed to be with him.

We live in such a sad society now.  Relationships are such a walk in, walk out mentality.  There is no commitment.  There is no ideal.  There are many selfish people who just want what they want.  As soon as they get tired of it they want to throw it away.  There is not commitment in marriage like there once was.  Unfortunately this also applies to Christians as well.

How can this be?  The devil knows that if he can get the marriage and family he can take down the church.  He knows that the marriage is what God has given us to represent our relationship with Him.  So if Satan can corrupt our thoughts of marriage and how it is supposed to be, he can corrupt the thinking of people about how our relationship needs to be with Him.

Here are some steps you can take toward a good marriage to your spouse as well as a good marriage between the church or Christian and Christ.

  1. “Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church andgave Himself for it.” Ephesians 5:25.  This is a very tall command.  This is a command for Christian men.  Just like Christ continues to love us no matter what we do, husbands should do the same for their wives.

This will be a very hard thing to do at times.  Husbands can only do this with a full surrender to God and being totally dead to self.  This is a commitment that God expects of Christian men.

In 1 Peter 3:7-12 it reads,  “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (wives)according to knowledge (understanding), giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” It is frightening to think that, as men, your prayers are hindered if you do not live with your wife in an understanding way.  It may be a time of reflection and surrendering to God’s plan for marriage.

This can be so challenging.  Dying to self is such a key.  There are wives that are very challenging.  And it will take a lot of love and patience.  And only God can help you love as He loves.

When you are struggling with doing these things think about what Christ has paid for you.  Have you been that perfect “bride”?  Does Christ love you even though you have spat in His face, even though you have argued with His ways?

  1. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the

Lord.”  Ephesians 5:23.  When a husband truly loves his wife as Christ loves the church this becomes way more possible.  If a wife feels loved and understood it is easier for them to feel safe in the decisions of their husbands and to submit to those.

As a wife you may be asking, “I do not understand, my husband is asking or

telling me to do things that are contrary to the Word of God and/or he is beating me physically or emotionally and you’re telling me I need to submit.” Let me make this clear, there are criteria for submission.

In Colossians 3:18 it reads, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.”  The bottom line, what they are doing or asking you to do needs to be in accordance with God’s Word.  If it is not and it is against God’s ways, “We ought to obey God rather than man.” Acts 5:29b.

God does not want wives to be doormats that are walked all over and beaten either physically or emotional that is not His plan.

We as wives need to be submissive to God first and then to our husbands. We need to die to self and be willing to listen to our husbands as to God if they are not asking us or doing things contrary to God’s Word.

All of us as Christians need to be submissive to God in this way.

There are many other things that can be said on how to have a good marriage but I am only touching on these today.  I will touch on more in the future.

Just like we prepare for a marriage here on earth there is a marriage feast that we are to be preparing for as Christians.

Christ loves us just as a husband is to love a wife.  He loves us unconditionally.  Just as a husband is supposed to sanctify, and cleanse his wife with the washing of water by the Word so that he might present her not having a spot or wrinkle, that she is holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:26-27), so Christ does for us.  And just like a wife needs to be in submission to her husband for this to take place, we need to be submissive to God for Him to be able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The only way a husband can do this for his wife, with love, is if he is in full submission to God.  And the only reason Jesus can do this for each one of us is because He was and is in full submission to His Father.

Is this an easy path? No, dying to self is a battle.  But God is able to provide the strength if we submit our lives fully to Him.

Dear Father,

We have great need of you.  We cannot do any of these things without You.  Come and heal our marriages and our families.  As we have the marriage that you would have us have and a family that is well-ordered, we can be a true light to the world for You.

Thank You for Your unconditional love.

In Jesus Name,


I don’t remember exactly how the saying goes but it goes something like this, “Couples that pray together, stay together.”  In this world of no real commitment let’s commit to God’s ways in our marriages.

What things have you done to keep your marriage alive?

“He’s Bleeding From The Mouth!”

Have you ever felt helpless?  I am sure that we have all had a time in our lives where we have felt helpless.  You just wish you could change the clock back a few minutes, or maybe if you could have just been a little more aware of your surroundings, or if you could just make the bad go away.

I remember one day several years ago when my oldest son and I were headed out to town together.  I don’t remember what we were going to go do but we were taking two vehicles.

I knew that He would drive faster than me on our country road so I wanted him to head out first.  I had back up our van and was sitting there waiting.  It was taking him so long to back up that I finally gave up and headed out ahead of him.  I regretted that decision in a very short time.  It was one of those times that you wish you could go back in time and make a different choice.

I was driving down our dirt road expecting at any minute for him to come up behind me.  I had made it down the road quite a ways and was wondering why he had not showed up.  I was thinking, “I wonder where he is?” when my cell phone rang.  It was my younger son saying, “_______ ran over Rascal.”(Our golden retriever)  “He is bleeding from his mouth.”

Needless to say I was in shock.  I immediately turned around and headed back home.  I was thinking, “How could this happen?”  “I don’t remember seeing the dog even in the driveway when I was sitting there waiting for my son to back up.  I was in full view of his car, how did I miss seeing him?”  He had been sleeping in the driveway and I did not see him.

When I arrived back at the house my dad and son had already jacked up the car off the dog.  No tire had gone over him, he had gone in the middle and the car was not high enough to go over the dog so he was trapped between the car and the ground.

I got down there to assess the situation.  I could see right off that he was not internally bleeding from the mouth.  His face had been pushed into the gravel and rocks had cut him.

We tried to get him to come out from under the car but he would not.  We were trying everything we could, even treats, (recommended by the vet).  The Lord impressed me to get his leash.  He loved to go on walks and would often go get his leash and bring it to us, even though we never used it for him.

As soon as I hooked him to the leash he dragged himself out from under the car.  We were able to get him into the vehicle and head off to the vet.  There were many things that happened that would take to long to share here.  There were many weeks of pain and care.  After about two weeks it was realized that he needed surgery.  It had crushed him and broke his spine, which could not be seen at first.

It was a miracle that after they put rods in his back that he fully recovered and is able to walk and hike with our children.

I think what amazes me the most about this story is the fact that Rascal never showed any anger, bitterness, or unforgiving spirit toward our son that backed over him.  He knew what car backed over him.  Dogs are smart.  And he knew who did it.  But he loves our son just the same as he always did.

It makes me think of Jesus.  We all have sinned.  We have often ran right over Him to do whatever we want to do.  We have crushed Him.  He knows we have crushed Him and all He does is love us.  Every time we sin we crucify Him afresh and put Him to shame. (See Hebrews 6:6).

The amazing part is that He holds no anger, bitterness or an unforgiving spirit toward us.  He still wants to walk with us, to spend time with us and to fellowship with us.  What makes things even worse is that we do it over and over again.

It brings me to tears as I write this.  As I think about how I bring pain to Him over and over again.  And then the amazing love and forgiveness He has for me.  I am realizing more and more how important it is to spend time each day thinking about the life of Christ, especially the last scenes.  I need His sacrifice for me to effect my heart in such a way that I will never want to do anything intentionally that will hurt Him.

Dear Father,

I thank You for giving Your Son?  How can I begin to thank You for Your love and Your forgiveness?  I know the answer to this but it seems so hard at times.  I know the best way to show my love to You is to keep Your Word.  Continue to prompt my heart with Your unfailing love, showing me the path of life.

In Jesus Name,


God has done so much for you in giving His Son.  Reach out to Him today and surrender all to Him.  Read the story of the life of Christ in the Bible and think on His life especially the last scenes.   I would love to give you a free copy of my favorite commentary on the life of Christ.  Go here and scroll to the bottom of the page to “My Favorite Commentary on the Life of Christ” and click “I want a free copy” and I will get one out to you.

What experience have you had that lead you to realize your need of God?  What things do you do that help draw you closer to Him?

“Aqua Please!”

It is a really nice day so you decide this would be a great day for a hike.  You head out to a mountainous area where you know there is a great trail.  It is 6 miles into a beautiful lake.  You decide you want to travel light so you don’t take anything with you.  You reason with yourself, “I won’t go all the way just a mile or two down the trail.  But as you go, the beauty is just breath-taking.  You don’t pay any attention to how far you might have gone.  The day starts to get hotter.  Then you realize what a mistake you have made by not bringing water.  But now you realize that you are probably about 4 miles in.  You feel like your dying and you can’t go another second without water.

I am sure we have all been at this point one time or another in our lives.  As you read you probably can really feel what the frustration would be like.  You’re probably even getting thirsty just thinking about it.

Today I am going to be covering Aqua in the “BALANCED” life.  What I described above is what we do more often than we realize to our bodies.  We get busy with life and the day goes by and we have hardly drunk any water.  You may say, “I have drunk down several sodas and a few cups of coffee doesn’t that count?”  Or some of you may say,  “I drink juice, I am not a real water fan.  The question is would you wash your dishes with coffee, soda, juice, or any other substance that is not water?

Here are some facts that are important to know.

  1. The human body is 70-75% water
  2. The brain is 85% water and needs water to perform its tasks.
  3. The blood is 83% water; lack of water makes the blood sluggish.

There are a lot of things water does for the body.

  1. Water is cleansing. Water is the best way to cleanse our bodies.  Just like we wouldn’t wash our dishes with other substances other than water, we should cleanse our bodies with clean clear water.
  2. Water helps cognitive thinking. Because our brain is made up of so much water, if we lack water it becomes harder for our brains to function.  So it should go without saying water is important.  It seems that a lot of times employers even supply water.  Why is that?  They know that it will help the brain function of their employees.
  3. Water helps our joints. Our body is made up of almost 75% water.  We have fluid around all of our joints and if we are not supplying our body with the fluid it needs we are going to start having trouble with our joints.  They need the water.  Our bodies are constantly rejuvenating and replenishing and if we are not giving it what it needs we are going to start having trouble.
  4. Water keeps you regular. By my own experience I know that if I don’t drink the water I need I become constipated.  Our body needs water so desperately that it takes it from where ever it can absorb it from.  Thus constipation.
  5. Water keeps you healthy. Drinking water helps keep us healthy because we are cleansing the toxins out of our body as I mentioned above.  As we are flushing our bodies each day, it gives our bodies less to have to deal with.
  6. Water gives strength. I have always seemed to do well at reading my body and realizing I have to make a change.  I can tell you if I don’t drink enough water in the day I lose my strength.  I start feeling weak.  I also start feeling cold.  I realize everyone is different but I am very affected if I do not drink enough water.
  7. Water can relieve headaches. This is another area that I can be affected when I don’t get enough water.  I may feel a slight headache coming on and if I realize I haven’t been drinking enough water, I get some water and it makes a difference.  I may need to drink more than one glass but my headache is relieved.

One thing that is really important about water, if you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.  So we can’t go by how we feel because at that point our body is already starving for water.

“So how do I know how much water to drink?”  A good rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces.  So if you weigh 160 pounds you would need to at least drink 80 ounces per day.  Of course everyone is different.  I can’t get by with half my body weight in ounces.  Read your body and decide what is best for you.  But at least drink half your body weight in ounces.

Dear Father,

You have made our bodies so amazingly unique.  We get so caught up in life that we often forget to really take care of our bodies.  Prompt us each day.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to keep hydrated.  Go ahead I know that you are having a craving for water since you have been reading about it, so go right now and get you a nice big glass of refreshing water.

What has water done for you?  Share some benefits that you have had from drinking water.


“Seek What!?”

There is always this question in our minds what to pursue first.  We get out of high school and we think, “Okay, what is next?”  The answer may be college.  Once we graduate from college we usually launch our career.  And somewhere in there we get married and start having children.  Life is busy and chaotic at times, probably most of the time.

At this point we are just running one hundred miles per hour just trying to keep the heat on and food on the table, so it seems.  As time passes the expenses get higher and we start to feel choked out with everything.  Our priorities start to get all mixed up.  We suddenly, without even really thinking about it, start living a life of survival.  I have to make money, pay the bills, get a house and a car.  And I need this, this, and this.

I have felt this way many times.  You start out in life not really “planning” anything.  We think we are planning but reality is we are not.  Most of us don’t sit down to count the cost we just plunge ahead.  And before we know it we are in the rat race of life just like everyone else.

I didn’t sit down and count the cost.  Although I am glad I got married and had my children, I didn’t sit down and really calculate what it would take.  And over the years it has been way harder than I ever imagined.

We do need to calculate the cost of everything we do.  But there is one ingredient that is often be left out of the equation.  And that is, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

We get so busy making money and trying to survive in life that we often forget what our priorities should be.  We need to be seeking God.  We need to be seeking Him every day, not just once a week when we go to church.

Some might be saying, “But I have to make a living, pay the bills and take care of my family.”  Yes, and God even says that taking care of your family is very important.  “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8 This is a very strong verse.  God doesn’t want lazy people because He also says, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6

It is really all about getting a person’s priorities straight.  What God says is to Seek Him First.  Here are some suggestions to follow.

  1. Seek God first. I would really challenge you in this area.  I have experienced not taking the time to seek God in the morning, as well as seeking Him the first thing.  Which requires getting up earlier.  I have found that when I do seek Him first I am less tired, get more done in the day, and things go more smoothly.  Being able to seek God in the morning starts the day before by going to bed early.  It may be hard to do but it is a must.
  2. Make a budget. Too many times we have to work more hours because we need more money.  But a lot of times if we would budget our money and really seek God on how we spend we would buy less, save more and really be able to live comfortably without working the long hours.
  3. Prioritize your days. Start by getting rid of the time wasters.  It is amazing if we really look at our day how much time we can recover just from unnecessary things we may be doing.  I have found it helpful to lay out an ideal week for myself.  It does take some time to get it to work.  The whole family could do this as well.  Each person can have their day in such a way as to have the priorities where they need to be.  We should budget our time just like we do our money so that nothing is wasted.

These are just a few things that I have found helpful.  I have found that if I am consistent with these things it makes a difference, the blessings that come our amazing.

Dear Father,

We can struggle so much in wasting our time and money and not even recognize it.  And we end up pushing You out of the picture, which just leads to more disasters.  Forgive us for getting so caught up in the things of this world.  Prompt our minds to seek You first.  Prompt us with Your Spirit every time we go to waste time or money.  Thank You for Your love and patience.

In Jesus Name,


I challenge you to seek God first.  He needs to be first in every area of our lives, money, time, etc.  It is worth it!  And watch amazing things happen.

What about you?  Have you made God first?  Do you have a story of what God has done for you when you made Him first?  I would love to hear it.  Share below.


“What’s That In Your Ear?”

As we age our bodies start to fall apart.  The healthier we choose to live the longer parts of our body stay healthy.  But then the time comes where we may need glasses or our hearing starts to go.

A little over a year ago I had a physical and they found that in one of my ears they could not see my eardrum.  They tried to get the wax out but they could not.  They told me to buy some over the counter drops to put in my ear to soften it up so that I could get it out.  I tried but finally gave up and just went on with life.

A couple of months ago I was having trouble with my ear so I decided to get some of the “earwax removal candles”.  The burning, hollow candle creates a vacuum, softens the wax making it possible to remove.  They do work.  I think I did it three times and was getting more wax every time.

Later I went to the doctor for something else and they check the ear and it still had some wax in it so they were, at that point able to get out the last bit.  I cannot believe how much I had in there and it is shocking that I could even hear.

My daughter and I were just reading this in her science the other day.  It was talking about how that wax buildup can keep you from hearing.  So if you are having a hearing problem start by seeing your doctor to see if there is some wax keeping you from hearing.

You might be thinking, “Why in the world is she talking about such a gross thing?”  The illustration that I gained from all of this is worth it all to me.  It was quite an eye-opening thought.

The wax is just like sin in our lives.  As we do one thing, that we don’t really think to be that bad, it always leads to another and another.  And pretty soon we have a build up of sin.  With each layer of build up it is harder and harder to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.  And pretty soon we don’t hear Him at all.

We need some “sin removal candles”.  God’s Word is like the candle.  It is a light that shines and burns in our hearts.  As we allow God to place that “candle tip” into our spiritual ear, He will light it.  As the “Candle” (God’s Word) burns it will create a vacuum that will draw the sin from our lives.  When the sin is extracted we will start again to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

When you want to remove wax from your ear with a “earwax removal candle” you have to have help.  It would be dangerous and destructive to do it on your own.  The same is true when using the “sin removal candle”.  You need to have the help of God or it will be dangerous and destructive.  We need to cooperate with God in the process.

God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet.  It is a fire that refines our character by taking away the dross and making us pure as gold.  As we read God’s Word it is like a vacuum, it softens our hearts, and makes it possible for God to remove the sin in our lives.

Just like you can use the “earwax removal candle” in a wrong way or have wrong expectation for the results, you can also use God’s Word in a wrong way and have wrong expectations.  If you mechanically start reading God’s Word without an open mind to change, expecting some magical miracle, it is not going to happen.  We need to go into God’s Word with a cooperative spirit knowing that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit, as we allow Him to work, that our lives will be changed.

Dear Father,

I pray that each of us will allow You to do the work in our lives that will prepare us for Your soon coming so that we can go home and live with You.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender all to Him today and let Him soften your heart through His Word, so that He can remove the “wax” of sin from your life.

What has the Lord used in your life that has helped softened your hard heart?


“It’s Graduation Day!!”

This is the time of year for graduations.  There are so many of us that know someone who is graduating.  They may be graduating from, eighth grade, high school, or even college.

I have a son that graduated from eighth grade last night.  We have been anticipating this time of celebration.  We have also been preparing.  Getting the “right clothes” to wear, according to my son’s ideas.  Planning a short history of his life video.  Putting together a tri-fold full of life memories.  And of course, there is the food for the reception.  Wow! Plan, plan, and plan.  It takes planning to make any celebration event special.

Graduations are special landmarks in our lives and the lives of our children.  They mark their accomplishments.  It also marks what choices they have made in accomplishing their achievements.

This really made me think of the most important “Graduation” that is coming for us as Christians.  We are living in a time of preparation for that grand celebration.  The question is, “Are we ready to graduate?”  The difference between this graduation and a graduation here on earth is that we won’t be able to graduate with anything but an “A”.  It is not based on a sliding scale or you can’t just slide in by “the skin of your teeth”.

What I believe our entrance to heaven is based on is our striving for the mastery through our love to learn more about the One that has loved us so much to give all for us.

Those that strive for a good grade in school, have to work really hard to get that good grade.  They are working hard for the good grade and a lot of times they are getting no enjoyment out of it.

Someone who loves to learn does not consider it hard work.  They do it out of the joy and love of learning, they enjoy it and the result is a good grade.

There may be some that really struggles with learning but they have someone in their life that has sacrificed a lot for them to get an education and they work tirelessly out of love for the person who gave so much for them.  The work seems light because of the love they have for the person that has sacrificed.

If we really realize what God has done for us, the sacrifice that He has made.  We will have a love for learning more about Him.  We will be eager to learn all we can to improve our “grade” (selves).  Instead of graduating with Gold Cords, or a Gold Medallion we will receive a Golden Crown of Life.

How do we get this Golden Crown of Life?

  1. Fall in love with Jesus. You might be saying, “How do I fall in love with Him?”  I would say to spend a thoughtful hour each day contemplating what He has done for you, especially in His last hours on the cross.  You can find this story in His Word, the Bible.
  2. Read God’s Word. There is so much in the Bible that shows God’s love for man.  I would start by reading through the New Testament, especially the four gospels.   Finding a commentary on the Life of Christ that goes into more detail can help us understand more.  I do have my favorite Commentary.  You can check out a PDF version or go get a free paper back version of my favorite commentary.
  3. Learn & Grow. Just like when you have a love for learning English, Science, Spelling, etc., you do well and don’t look at it as a burden, when you love learning from Jesus at the foot of the cross, it will not be a burden and you will learn and grow in the Grace of God.  Your life will be transformed, by the renewing of your mind.

Dear Father,

Thank You for what You have done for us.  We long for that graduation day where we can receive the Gold Crown of Life and be able to enter into Your presence.  As we continue to walk with You, lead us and guide us.

In Jesus Name,


Keep growing in Christ and He will see you through.

The Bible is the greatest commentary on the Life of Christ.  Besides the Bible, do you have a favorite commentary that expounds on the Life of Christ?



“Sleep? Do We Really Need It?”

All of us have the same 24-hour period.  And what we do with our time is our choice. It seems that we try to get more done each day than is humanly possible.  A lot of times what gets cut is how many hours of sleep we get.

In my own life I have been working on implementing the “BALANCED” life, which starts with Bedtime.  I do struggle with getting enough sleep.  I keep trying to cram as much into my day as possible.  Before I know it, it’s 10:30 at night and I am still working on getting into bed.  And 3:30 comes very quickly for another long day.  I have learned that this is not the best for me physically, emotionally or spiritually.

For each person the need for sleep will be different.  We should get between 6-10 hours of sleep per night depending on age, and health conditions.

Those that are very young need a lot more sleep.  A baby grows very rapidly at first and believe it or not a lot of growing happens while they are sleeping.  For the first couple of years it is good for them to spend more than half of their day (24 hours) sleeping.  Then it cuts back to more of half of the day (24 hours).

Another time when big growth spurts usually happen is in the teenage years.  I have read that a little over 9 hours a night is best for a teenager.  Wow, talk about difficult. It seems impossible to get them to get that many hours of sleep.  They think they are invincible and they don’t need all that sleep.  But the attitudes we have to deal with tell us something different.  They don’t understand that they will have to pay for this later on in life.  I think those of us that are older can attest to that.

For the average adult, we need anywhere from 6-10 hours of sleep.  I think we all know when we do the best and how much sleep we really need.  Now we may be ignoring the signs but deep down we know.

You all have heard the saying, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  I don’t know about the wealth part, but I can say by experience that when I get to bed earlier it does make a difference in how early I can get up and have a great day.  I seem to do better when I get more hours in before midnight.

I know a lot of people will say, “That all sounds good but I have a hard time getting to bed any earlier than 11pm.  I just can’t seem to get relaxed enough to get to bed any earlier.  I just go and finely drop at 11pm.”

It is really good to have a morning routine and an evening routine.  The evening routine can be really good in helping a person to relax, whether you’re a teen or an adult.  This can also apply to children and some things to babies.  Most of the time if we are relaxed our babies, as well as our children, will be relaxed.  If we as adults learn to be calm and relaxed in the evening it has an effect on the rest of those in our home.

But there are some factors that can help in bringing about this relaxing atmosphere.

  1. Journal.  One thing that I have found beneficial is to journal.  This can be added to your morning and evening routine.  I have been using a very simple free app called “Five Minute Journal”.  It helps me get a focus on my day and then in the evening I can write down my best accomplishments for the day.  It also asks you what is one thing that could have been better.  This clears you mind from thinking on the day’s activities.
  2. Make a list. I also find it good to make a list of things that I need to get off my mind.  These may be things that I need to get done the next day, or any day in the future.  I use the free version of “Evernote” for my memory.  You can make separate notebooks and name them.  I love it.  So you can make a list, put a date at the top of each note and then just lay out some notes.  This is a good way to empty those things out of your mind that keep your mind running a hundred miles per hour.  You can even make it a checklist.  Each day as you accomplish these tasks check them off.  If you don’t get them done just copy and paste them into the next days list.
  3. Turn off all electronics. It is best to turn off all electronics at least one hour before going to bed.  The lights and activity of phones, computers, and television keep the brain stimulated.
  4. Read a book or listen to some calm, quiet music. This is really good for everyone.  If you have small children, read to them.  As you are reading they will start relaxing and so will you.  Even a teen can crawl into bed and have a book that can calm and relax them so that they are ready to sleep.
  5. Drink a hot cup of calming herb tea. This can be a great thing to do to get you calmed and relaxed.  One of my favorites is “Sleepy Time”, which you can get at most grocery stores as well as health food stores.
  6. Try implementing an essential oil routine. This is something I have learned about more recently and I love how certain essential oils work for me.  I put some on the bottom of my feet just before going to bed and it gives me restful sleep.  It is great!
  7. Prayer.  I have found this to be amazing as well.  After you have gone through your routine, crawl into bed and spend the next few minutes in prayer.  I can tell you this is a wonderful way to lay all your burdens on the One that cares.  He is the answer to all your problems and perplexities.  It is so relieving to give everything to God.

Dear Father,

Thank You that you are there to take all of our burdens.  Give us Your rest as we cast all our burdens upon you.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to cast all your burdens upon the One that can give you true rest.

What routine do you do to relax yourself before bed?  I would love to hear your ideas.



“I’m Going West, How About You?”

Do you feel at times that you are not going anywhere?  You’re trying to accomplish something in your life but it seems that you’re not progressing.  You go to your job every day come home and that is the routine.  You feel as if you are in a trap and can’t get out.  You maybe don’t even enjoy your job but you have to keep the money coming in, even though you can’t seem to get ahead.  But then the question remains, what is the most important thing in this life and why am I here?

I love history.  If we forget how the Lord has led us in our past history, we have something to fear.  We can’t take God out of history. He must remain.  I was reading History with my daughter the other day.  And I was realizing how much people went through to move west.

I can first look at the pilgrims that came to the New World.  They gave up everything to come here.  They gave up wealth, family, friends, and possessions. They gave up everything.

As the population grew, there were many that were seeking a better land so they would sell all that they had and buy what was needed to travel west.  They would often travel in a group because it was safer.  I would say most of the people who went west if they could have seen the future of what could or would happen they would not have even started the journey.

It would be a slow journey.  Along the way, they would have to lessen their load, getting rid of more of their cherished things.  There would be accidents or illness and some would die.  There were many times of sadness as they journeyed on to a better land.

At times there was discouragement.  They had to keep the goal before them in mind so that they would keep going.  There were those who got discouraged and turned back.  They forgot their past history. They forgot why they were going west and what their goals were in life, when trials came.

There were enemies that they encountered along the way as well.  Some died and some were wounded, some recovered from their wounds and others did not.  But they kept going.

It made me think of our Christian walk.  We are all on a journey.  Our goal is heaven.  We all have our reasons of why we started this journey.  But I think we can all agree that we are looking for a better Land.  We started this Christian journey to reach the Promised Land, the Land that is flowing with milk and honey.  The Land where there will be no more pain, neither sorrow nor crying.  A Place where nothing but joy reigns.

Just like the pioneers had to sort through their things and only take those things that they thought were necessary with them, we also have some sorting to do.  Each of us when we gave our heart to God we realized things that we needed to allow God to take out of our lives.

And just like the pioneers had to let go of more things along the way, as Christians we need to do the same.  As we go through this journey and we draw closer to Christ and closer to His coming to take us to the Promised Land, we see things that we need to drop out of our lives.

I am grateful that the Lord does not show us everything at one time and that it is all a growing process.  Just like the pioneers, if we knew all the changes and things that would happen through our Christian walk most of us probably would not even start.  God is so gracious to us.

There will be times in our Christian walk that we will be discouraged.  There will be times that we will get wounded through the battles with enemies of God.  But what is going to be our response?  Are we going to rely and trust God or are we going to turn back?  There may even be times where we feel dead spiritually.  When we feel dead we really need to hang on to the promises God has for us.  Our feelings are not trustworthy but God is.  This is when traveling with other believers is so crucial.

As the pioneers made their journey they could look back over their lives and their journey, as they kept moving forward, and could see how they were led and actually be amazed that they made it through the difficulties.

It is the same with us as Christians.  As we look back through our lives, we can see how God has led us and what trials and hardships He has brought us through.  This is what will help us as we journey forward.  We can’t worry about tomorrow but just know that the Lord will walk with us through it all.

As the pioneers traveled together for greater safety, as Christians, we need to travel the road to the Promised Land with others that are traveling in the same direction.  Fellowship with like believers will not only bring safety but also accountability.  It is also helpful when we are going through trials and hardships to have those that can be an encouragement to us.  It is like taking a coal out of the burning fire, if it gets separated it doesn’t stay burning for very long, it slowly gets completely cold.  We will get cold if we are not in fellowship with other like-minded believers.

Dear Father,

The journey can be a struggle but I am so grateful that You are there for us as we journey.  Continue to guide us and stay close to us.

In Jesus Name,


The journey is soon to come to an end.  We are getting very close to the Promised Land.  The dangers and trials are going to become more real and more intense.  Keep on the journey and in the end it will be worth it all.

Love you all!

Do you feel like a pioneer as you journey toward Heaven?  What has kept you going?