“Are You A Child?”

I am sure that you have seen these things as well as I have.  A while back I saw a little child holding the hand of her mother.  Her mother was walking fast compared to her little legs.  Her arm was stretched as far as possible to reach her mother’s hand and she was on her tiptoes.  The mother was moving so fast it was amazing to me that the child was not airborne.  But as I looked at the face of the child there was no concern or worry.  She was totally relaxed and happy.  I have seen little children with their mother or father sliding down a slide with absolutely no fear because at the bottom mommy or daddy was there.

There have been times when I am in a grocery store and I see a child in a cart, not where they are supposed to be sitting but in the actual cart.  It is a very young child and they are hanging over the edge having no fear whatsoever.  I am cringing in fear of them falling out on their heads, which has happened to children.  But they have no fear because their parent is close by and they are so trusting.  They just trust that everything is going to be fine no matter what because mommy or daddy is there.

It makes me think of the verse that says, “…Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 What exactly does this verse mean?  When I think of becoming as a child, I think of full trust.  A small child doesn’t worry about where their next meal is coming from, or if they are going to have a place to sleep, or if things are going to work out.  They trust that their mommy and daddy are going to take care of everything.  They also have a simple faith in God.  They have no question that God is going to answer their prayer. They pray about something and then they have no worries.  They just know that God is going to take care of things.

It seems as adults we lose that faith.  We may pray about it but then we keep right on worrying.  We keep wondering when is He ever going to get around to answering our prayer.  We have a hard time trusting.  The fact is He loves us more than we can even imagine and He wants to work things out for our good.  We only think it is working out when it goes our way but God sees the end from the beginning and He knows what is really for our good.

I have been struggling with this lately myself.  Because of financial difficulty I have had to take a job away from home.  The Lord led me to a great place to work with wonderful people as well.  I am only called in when they have extra work.  So my prayer has been, “Lord, You provide the work that You know that I need and I will leave it in Your hands to provide it.”  I even told my boss that.  They did become very busy and I was called in a lot.  I was praising the Lord for the work.  But then things slowed down.  I was trusting God and not concerned knowing more would come.  It has not happened.  I found myself struggling with giving it to Him.  I need the money but also my daughter, who has been struggling with mommy being gone, needs me.  I was thanking God for some time to spend with her.  I was thinking a day here and there off but it has been longer than that and I have to admit I have struggled.  But here is what I have learned.  I need to have the trust of a child.  I know that God will take care of my family and me.  To fret and to worry only brings unhappiness and stress that wears on me.  But as I give it to God and take advantage of the time that He has given me I can see the blessings.  What is God trying to teach me through this?  He is trying to teach me to trust Him.

Dear Father,

As each of us go through our trials and struggles that come to us help us to surrender our lives fully to You and to trust Your plan.  As we surrender everything to You give us Your peace.  Chase away the evil one that wants to discourage us and have us look at ourselves for answers.  You are the answer.  Thank You for loving us more than we can ever imagine.

In Jesus Name,


Are you struggling today with trusting God with a child like faith?  I challenge you to trust Him.  It will bring you more peace than you can imagine.  We have a part to play, just like me getting a job.  But then we need to trust Him with the rest.

Love you all.

What experience have you had that when you trusted God with the faith of a child the outcome was amazing?  I would love to hear stories about our amazing God.


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