“Another Shooting! What Next?!!”

What next?

It seems, not a day goes by that we don’t hear of another killing or disaster. It seems impossible not to live in fear.  Do we really need to live in fear?  Is there something to be fearful of?  Do we really need to be afraid of all the things that are happening around the world?

Over the years I have read several stories about WWII.  It is one of the worst disasters in our recent history.  The amazing part of the stories that I have read is the courage and strength that these individuals had through their experiences.  Some of these stories covered people who were in concentration camps and how the Lord sustained them, as they trusted in Him.  And also of how they were a witness to those around them of the love of God.

I have read other stories that talk about German families that lived through the war and even served in the German army.  Yet, they trusted God and obeyed His leading.  They trusted God in the midst of one of the most heinous wars.  Any Christian living in that time must have thought that the world was coming to an end.  How much worse could it get?

A big thing that has changed between now and then is technology.

Yes some of them did have access to radios, going against authorities that did not want them to know what was going on.  But how did knowing what was going on change the way that they lived and what they did?  It didn’t.  They were just hoping to hear good news about an end to the war.  There was a lot of propaganda so the reality is they still did not know what the truth was.  What they learned, for the most part, did not help them through the war.  My observation was that it only made them struggle more with hating those that were doing wrong.

What about today?

We have technology at our fingertips.  We may think we know what is going on because we watch or listen to the news, we see things on Facebook or read something in a news magazine and we think we know what is going on.  And of course, Google must have the answer so we may even Google something about a rumor we heard to see what the truth is.  How can we know what the truth is?  It doesn’t matter where you look there is a bent to everything.  Everyone is sharing what they believe is happening with whatever political or religious bent they may have.  And people suck up whatever direction they want to bend.

How much do we need to know?

This is a great question.  And I believe we don’t need to know as much about what is going on through the avenues that are common today.  Why?  Because how do we know what the truth is?  Every time something happens there are people who take it by the horns and start predicting what it means, whether political or religious.  We are dealing with the mastermind of evil, not with people; we are dealing with the one that they listen to, the devil.  And a lot of them don’t even know it.  And some of them may even claim to be Christians but their focus is in the wrong camp.

What should we focus on?

Let’s focus on the Genuine, Jesus Christ.  We need to get off the negative of this world and focus on Jesus.  When we hear of things that may be happening politically and/or religiously it should send us to our knees.  We should be crying and sighing for the abominations on our knees rather than getting caught up in talking about the negative.  Everyone is a soul for the Lord and we need to pray for him or her.  We need to love them.  It is impossible to love those we despise. We need to work as Jesus worked.  He focused on the ones that had their hearts open, the ones that felt their need.  And He drew them to a connection with Him.

How do we keep the right focus?

Read & study the God’s Word.

Get into the word.  Don’t just spend time reading it but study it.  Knowing what is happening in the world is not going to get me ready spiritually.  A lot of times people talk and focus more on the evils that are happening than on God’s Word.

Make this verse the focus.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8.

When I really contemplate this verse it really makes me reevaluate what I am doing in my life.  Just because it might be true, of course, how do we really know, is it of good report and praiseworthy.  This is a powerful verse.  Everything that we do and say in life should filter through this verse and not just one aspect of the verse.  Everything we do should be able to fall under every word of this verse, not just one or two words.  One saying that I heard that really is thought-provoking, “Evaluate your activities with these questions.  Will this count in 10 years?  Will it matter in eternity?”

Spend time in prayer.

When we happen to hear about things that are happening that are not pleasant, prayer should be our response.  First, we should be sure that we are fully surrendered to God and don’t have anything in our own lives that will keep our prayers from ascending to God.  We cannot solve what is happening in our world today but we can pray.  Neither can we solve what may be happening within our families but we can pray.  We may need to ask God for His love in our hearts because we may be struggling with loving those that are doing wickedly.  Our goal should be to love all and want their salvation and work toward that end.

Let Jesus shine through us.

We need to trust in Jesus through all things.  People need to see in us the love of Jesus.  If we are caught up in the things of this world we are only going to show discouragements.  And we probably will have a downcast countenance.  We need to keep our focus in the Joy of the Lord.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2. What do we have set before us?  We have a cross to bear.  And what is the joy set before us?  The things of this world are fleeting and our joy should be in the Lord.  The joy of the Lord should be our strength as we surrender to Him.  And through all the trials our countenance will show the joy of the Lord and someday soon we will sit down with our Lord in His kingdom.  What a joy that will be!

As we stay focused on Christ we can love the unlovely.

We always need to remember where the Lord has led us from when we look at others.  We need to see what God can do in their lives.  And as we look at them, see them through the eyes of Christ, who went to Calvary for them.  He died for all.  We can only love the unlovely as we stay surrendered to Christ.  He will love them through us.  We need to remember that we may be the only “Jesus” they ever meet.  Let’s plant the seed of Christ love.

In a world that is so corrupt at every turn, we need to keep our focus on the Lord.

We need to focus on being in right relationship with Jesus.  We need to focus on being like Christ to our families.  And as we are reflecting Christ others will want what we have.  Then we can bring others to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.  We don’t need to worry about being ready if our focus is in the right place.  Remember focusing on the counterfeit does not help us identify the counterfeit.  Focusing on the Genuine, Jesus that will help us recognize the counterfeit.  And as we keep ourselves focused on Christ, surrendering to Him each day, we will be ready when He comes.

Dear Father,

The devil does not care what rabbit trail he gets us going down.  All he cares about is distracting us from You.  Forgive us for not always staying on the straight and narrow.  Protect us and direct us.  Help us, as we see others in this world or within our churches that do wickedly, to pray for them.  Give us your power as we see them to see You as You hung bleeding upon the cross for them.  Help us to be earnest, broken, and humble as our petitions ascend to You for wisdom that we may have success in saving not only our own souls but the souls of others as well.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender all to God today.  Stay focused on Him and being in line with Him so that you will be ready when He comes.  Today may be your last.  Always be ready.

Love you all.

What do you do in order to keep your focus on the Genuine, Jesus Christ, and your mind away from the counterfeit, the things of this world?



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