“Is There A Mouse In Your Heart?”

I don’t know about you but it seems the mice have been terrible this year.  A mamma had babies in our van somewhere and they fell out on the ground in two different locations.  My son had one inside his car running all over including the glove box.  And they keep coming in the house.  I don’t like it at all.

My cousin is also experiencing this in her home as well and here is what she shared.

“Have you ever had a mouse in your house?  We usually don’t have too much trouble with mice.  Occasionally one would get into the house and we’d set our traps and catch it.  This last week, we’ve had more trouble with mice than ever.”  

“This situation reminded me of a devotional we read recently.  It quoted a verse from Song of Solomon about little foxes and was saying how important little things are.  A lot of little things can lead to big things.  Even one little thing can lead to big things.  One “little” sin can cause a lot of damage.”

“We caught two mice live in traps.  The trap only caught them by the leg, so my husband had to take them out and destroy them.  At first, he was reluctant.  Mice can be cute, and it is hard to take the life of a creature; but mice bring disease and destruction.  So with sin.  It can appear “cute” and harmless to begin with, but it too brings disease and destruction.  If we are reluctant to deal with it, it can get out of hand.”

“We trapped about 8 mice last week.  We have never had mice this bad before.  Now, I am in the process of going through all the boxes of things stored in the loft to see if there is a nest some place so I can get rid of it and clean things up.  In this clean-up process, I am having to let go of some things that got ruined by the mice.  Some of it is hard to let go of.  Some I am hoping to clean up and salvage.  The Lord is teaching me that I need to let go of earthly treasures and place my heart and mind on heavenly treasures.  “Set your heart on things above, not on things of the world.”  Colossians 3:2 (my paraphrase)”

“As I am going through this process, I wonder, Is there any sin that has “nested” in my heart?  Has sin destroyed something valuable in my life?  It’s time to clean up and let go.  It is time to allow God to cleanse me and repair the damage.  “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”  Psalm 51:10”  -Lori

Dear Father,

Search me and show me where the “mice” are hidden in my heart.  I want to surrender my whole life to You.  And with Your help clean out the bad things that are nesting in my heart.  Thank You for Your love and helping me.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender all to Him today.  And remember, you do not have to do this alone, God will help you.

Love you all.

I want to thank Lori for sharing.  It was a great inspiration. Do you have an experience you have had that you can draw a spiritual application to?  Whether it is to do with physical, emotional, financial, or spiritual health, write it down and submit it to me and I may include it in my next blog.

Submit your writings to, revittalizen.your.health@gmail.com.